Chapter one: The deal that stains

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This mean they are talking in there minds {\\___\\}
Also not very good at spelling

* ‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊ * ‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊

Jimmy pov

{\\I was walking while thinking what to build next but then I stumbled across a book it had vine's all over it and the book title was called "The Revolution Of Revenge" it looks very interesting\\}


Oh Jimmy ~

{\\This book did it just called my name maybe I should give it to Gem she probably will know about this but maybe I should keep this for now \\}


H̶̢̢̻͚͓͕̃͜͜e̴͇̥̦̯̅͌͑̀̈́̽̈͘͝ ̶͓̮̠͔̓̽̃͐̄̈́͂̂w̴̡̾̊̏́̕i̷͊̀̈́͛͜l̴̰͕̔̋̾l̶̢̢̤̘̯͉̓̈̈́̉̋͑̔̀̕̕ ̸̱̺͎̽̒͂s̶̺̣̗̼̱̝̮͌̈́͜o̶̗̳̬̹̖͈̘̝̔͐̏̍o̴͈̙̼̳̩̩̐͑͋̓̓̉̕͠ͅͅn̸̖̙̜̬͎̰͙̞̒̊̈́̄͊̇͝ ̸̆͑͐̿͆̍ͅb̵̯̮̤̟̳̝̣̠͆̆̽͗̊͝e̶̢͙̝̥̮̩̘̫̒̏̒̈́ ̶̠̱̣̦̻͒̉̒̓͐̂̒̋̆͘ű̸̡̡̟̖̀̉̊̒ͅṋ̸̨͕̠̱͉̈͆̏̒̾̌̈́̏d̶̫͕̖̗͈͓̆̆̍̾̆͒̒ḛ̸͖̪͊̂r̶̡̝̩͉̰͖̮̖̈́ͅ ̵̢̢̗̭̞͉̽̀̌͘͘͜m̸̮͙̪͇̑̂̒́̐̒̆̕͜ỹ̸̜͉̙͓̬̥̞̋̔̀̚͘͝ ̵̨̡͚̯͍̫̖͛̄̇͊́̂ͅc̷͙̱͂͐̎̈̿͒̆ǫ̴̛̛̝͙̖̼̣̬̤̫̃̋̋̌͝͝n̷̨̼̱̣̟̤͍̄͌͊̿̄͛̆ţ̴̤̣͓̳̓̀͌̾̿̕ř̷̪̃̽̈͌͆̅̕͜͝ờ̷̥̂͛͋̅̐͊̔̒l̸̬̰͘

{\\I should be getting back home since Katherine called for a meeting in a few hours but while I wait I can read this book//)

A Few Minutes Later

{\\This book is a spell book but it feels weird my head hurts I feel like passing out...//}

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝

Well you see what curiosity gets you?

Who are you?

I am Xorrnoth and I come to make a deal with you cod boy

It's Cod Father not "cod boy" get it right you demon

My apologies Cod Father but let's talk about the deal

And why would I make a deal with you?

Because if you don't make a deal with me I will torture your precious sibling


I can sense I got your attention good

what kind of deal....

I want your loyalty

My loyalty


So in other words you want me to obey you...

My my I didn't think you would get but yes indeed

What do I get in return?


No I don't need it

Hmm well then how protection? To you and you Sister

Me and my Sister


i guess it's a deal then...

Very good I want you to wear this think of it as a Gift for you

A necklace?

It will show me your loyalty so wear it and never take it off understand

yes I understand...

Good and may I say I have never met someone who has declined power or money

That's because I'm not greedy

I can see that
Until next time Cod Father and I recommend hiding that spell book it will a use later on

until next time....

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝

Jimmy pov

{\\Ugh my head still hurts\\}

Lizzie Pov

{\\Jimmy's late again I should start reminding him about these kind meetings \\}

Jimmy :

Katherine :
That's fine Jimmy we got use to you being late just take your seat

Jimmy pov
{\\I really need to come early for theses meeting's but why can I feel someone looking at me it was Scott I've always liked him but I don't think he would ever like me but I also see fwhip looking at me he might be a little annoyed that I was late again\\}

* ‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊ * ‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.



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