ミ★ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 1 ★彡

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"Bye mama and papa I'm gonna go to school now." Soo Rim said as he opened the door.

" Soo Rim-ah are you sure you don't want to go with your siblings?" "Like what if you got hit by a speeding car!"

"Oh come on Honey Soo Rim's all grown up now he's going to graduate high school tomorrow ." Said Soo Rim's father as he held his wife aka Soo rim's mother by her waist.

"Mom! Dad! Gross! You guys are like 100 years old now" said Soo rims younger sister.

"Stop being dramatic we're only in our early sixties :/" said Soo rims mom.

"Dongseang are you sure you don't want to come with us, we're taking my car." Said Soo rim eldest brother.

"Of course hyung  I figured I should walk to school cuz it's my last day before graduation and I want to make it more memorable." Said Soo rim cheerfully however his thoughts were something along the lines of ' I was dared to by one of my stupid friends.' And 'Why the hell am I doing this to myself.'


Before his elder brother could say anything else he'd immediately shut door on his poor elder brother's face and started to speedily walk away.

Soo rim POV:

Hi you. Yes you I'm talking to you person on the other side of the screen, don't even bother trying to call the fixer of the forth wall here. The hole in the forth wall is simply way too big for anyone to fix.

Well since you're here I guess I should introduce myself a little. Ahem My name is Kim Soo Rim I was adopted by my aunt and uncle when I was...... I think 5 or 6 years old I don't really remember. My actual parents were kinda abusive, My real dad would beat me up whenever he was in a bad mood which is basically everyday (-_-), My mom was neglectful she wouldn't care if someone were to beat me to death.

But my auntie and uncle who are now my parents are the best! I love them so so so so! much!! They were always there for me unlike some people. Did I mention that they're really good cooks Like literally everyone in this family including me myself, knows how to cook!

Anyways I have three sisters, two younger sisters ( they're twins), and one older sister and I have two other older brothers. I have three best friends at school. And I have perfect grades but to be honest I don't like studying I only do it to make mama and papa happy. After I finish school I'm gonna move to the countryside and live a peaceful rich slacker life. Far away from all the chaos of this chaotic world full of politics, and other things I want to avoid.( ̄▽ ̄)

Huh? I didn't expect the streets to be this crowded, especially this route, usually there would only be 5-6 people here. Am I missing something? What day is it today?

Even though there was a lot of people here no one was crossing the road besides me and a girl who looked about 14-15 years old. Is she going to school?

Oh! The green light, better get going~

The girl ran immediately after the green light was on. Was she scared of me or is it her first time crossing the road alone? What am I saying it can't be her first time crossing the road she's already a teenager but there's no way she could be scared of my weak and fragile body maybe she's just running late? I wondered before I was rudely snap out of my train of thought Because of people screaming at the girl to get out of the way and that a truck is coming.

Suddenly my body started to move on it's own, it's was like I was being controlled by someone else. I pushed the girl out of the way and after that, all I remember before passing out was people yelling to call 119 and the girl crying with people trying to comfort her.....

꧁𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚!!꧂  ミ★𝑩𝑳★彡Where stories live. Discover now