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hqrry_woah here's a cute lil story for you.

your eyes blink to the harsh light, head pounding, thumping. sounds are ringing in your ear, louder than they should be, shivers running down your spine. you groan, rolling over, arm draping over Harry. in his subconscious sleep, he drapes his arm over your back, a smile appearing on his face. there's a queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach, sweat forming on your face. without waking him, you slowly detangle yourself, getting up but immediately sit back down. your head is spinning, feeling dizziness, eyes stinging with glossy tears. you manage to, on shaky legs make your way to the en-suite bathroom, gripping at the toilet seat as you begin to throw up. in seconds he's by your side, holding your hair out as you throw up again. he's brushing his fingers over your back, whispering 's'alright, love' 'my poor baby' 'woah.. woah, easy there'. you're head is still pounding and your breathing is heavy. he wraps his arms around you, leaning you against his chest as he places a drawn-out kiss to your hair.

'easy, angel' he coos.

you can't help the tears stinging your eyes. you hate being sick. but he wipes them away, whispering a 's'no need to cry buttercup'.

when you're stable enough and not throwing up, he carries you to bed, placing the duvet over you. your eyes are droopy, slowly falling into a peaceful slumber. he brushes his fingers through your hair and you crinkle at the gentle intrusion.

'night, buttercup' he whispers.

he's been reading.. mostly, keeping the telly on low volume as you sleep. every once in a while checking up on you as he hears you stir slightly in your sleep. he's been holding your hair out of the way as you throw up again in the basket he left for you. he's been holding you close, running his hand along your belly as he sings 'songbird'. he's been feeding you soup and crackers.

by the time it's evening, you're cuddled into his side as he reads softly. every once in while he's running his hand through your hair, whispering 'i love yous'. you gaze up at him with doe-eyes, a smile across your face.

'i love you too'..

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