i'm re-really trying

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MS9812 here's one about how he takes care of you with anorexia. Hope you like it.

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'come on, love. you need to eat something' he encourages.

but you shake it off, trying to avoid putting anything in your uneasy stomach. it's a battle between the two. him trying to feed you and you refusing it. truth is your nervous eating, lips quivering at the sight of it. he notices your nervousness and takes your hand, brushing the back of it with his thumb.

'come on, love. jus' a few bites' he encourages again.

you shake your head, scrunching your nose but open your mouth for him. he feeds you a spoonful of soup. easier to take than bigger substances. then with a smile he presses a drawn-out kiss to your forehead, mumbling a 'well done, angel.. so proud'. he's feeding and praising you until you have the urge to throw up. you're rushing to the bathroom, gripping at the edge of the toilet, throwing up part of your dinner. he holds your hair back, whispering a 's'alright, love' while doing so. you cuddle into his chest, letting soft tears fall.

'i'm re-really trying' you quiver.

he's holding you so close, brushing his fingers over your soft curls. his own heart aching at your broken voice.

'I know, love' he coos.

with gentle strokes, he brushes away your tears. then with a soft smile lifts you in his warm embrace. you immediately bury your face in the crevice of his neck, tears muffled into the softness of his skin. he mumbles sweet nothings into your hair, pressing featherlight kisses to your temple and for a while stay still.

's'alright, love. no need to cry' he coos.

he feels his heart is heavy, hearing your quivering tears, feeling your body shake beneath him. his own eyes are stinging with tears.

it's all you do lately, trying to eat. then throwing it back up. but Harry is always by your side, holding you close and whispering softly against your delicate skin. he knows it's difficult when your anorexic, praising you and telling you constantly 'i love you'.

'and i love you too' you mumble in your half sleep state.

with a soft yawn, you drift of into a peaceful slumber. your restless nights, not so restless anymore. things are changing for the better. it just takes one step at a time and loving boyfriend who will sacrifice everything just.. for.. you.

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