come home...

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(time skip)

Tom has Been gone for almost 2 weeks. Jerry is really nervous. then he went out like any other day they woke up ate breakfast, then Tom kissed Jerry goodbye and vent out. Butch had been with Jerry Seens tom went out and jerry is sure that he knows something about Tom. but every time Jerry askes him, he just looks straight and shakes his head.

"What is it you don't tell me butch?!"

jerry is looking at Butch with he's arms crossed. Butch didn't move a bit. Jerry let his arms down and looked down.

"Sorry kid I can't tell you "

Jerry looked up at Butch with a disappointed expression. But his expression changed when there was a knock at the door. the butler went over to the door, Jerry stared at the door and hoped that is was Tom standing behind. Jerry was holding his breath, it felt like an eternity. the door got opend and a tall "cat" with a dark blue suit and a brown briefcase, the "cat" nodded and Butch walked passed Jerry en over to the "cat" they talk for a while. and then the door closed and Butch came over.

"Tom is fine...."

"good where is he?"

Butch looked down and scratched his neck. Jerry got really annoyed.

"let me guess.... YOU CANT TELL ME!!!"

Butch got big eyes, as Jerry walked away.

(time skip/2 hours)

Jerry sat on the couch and looked out the window, Butch came in and looked at Jerry. he sat down beside him.

"is time for dinner kiddo"

"im not hungry"

"come on kiddo i know you miss him and care about him, but Tom can take care of him self. and you have to eat."

Jerry looked at Butch.

"why cant you tell me where he is or what he is doing?"

"is an order"

Jerry got up and went to the dinning room. and left Butch sitting alone. he got up and sat down next to Jerry in the dinning room.

"listen up kiddo, Tom told me not to tell you, he is trying to protect you because he loves you"

Jerry looked at Butch his heart was beating fast, it took some time for him to speek.

"he loves me" (whispers)


Jerry looked seriously on Butch.

"can you at least promise me he is okay and not in danger?"

Butch's expression changed and Jerry already knew the answer.


Jerry was getting teary eyes, Butch looked at Jerry and layed a hand on Jerry's, Jerry slapped his hand away, and curled up at the other end of the sofa. Butch starred at Jerry. he leaned back with his arms above his head and sighed. then looked over at Jerre who was sobbing in the corner.

"don't worry he will come back safe and sound"

Tom & Jerry  (Tom x Jerry)Where stories live. Discover now