i missed you..

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Jerry looked at butch, jerry nodded and dried his eyes. Butch gave jerry a blanket and hugged him.

"Is going to be okay"

Jerry nodded and pushed himself back. Jerry's breath was Havey but kind of relaxed at the same time. The feeling for missing someone so much and being so afraid of losing them was weird for jerry. The time went by, and jerry went to bed.

Jerry woke up to the sound of knocking, he went to the door in the big pajamas, and opened the door, and butch was standing in the opening.

"Do you want to come down and eat and maybe talk"

Jerry nodded and went back to get some clothes on. Jerry and butch when there was a knock on the door. Jerry went over to open the door when the butler came running and did it before jerry could do it, jerry stepped back at the sight of Charls. Butch came over and stepped in front of jerry.

Charles eyes was big and crazy. And he looked like a mess. And you could see the bruises tom gave him, they were very indistinct. But you could still see them.

"I missed you"

Charles tried to come in, and butch hade to call security to get him out. Charles and the others were fighting and screaming. And butch was holding on to jerry. They got Charles out, and we all tried to come down. Butch bent down to look at jerry.

"Are you okay kid? Did he hurt you?"

Jerry was so choked he didn't know what to say or do, but then he heard someone talking from a destined.

"What happened here?"

Jerry looked over to see tom standing I the door opening. He stood smiling with his hands in his pockets. Jerry ran to him and hugged him with teary eyes. Toms body made jerry feel safe again. Tom glanced to butch and gave him a thankfully smile.

(Time skip)

Jerry and tom were sitting in the living room together. While tom did some paperwork jerry was napping in tom's lap. It has been two days scenes tom came back, but tom doesn't talk about what happened, he doesn't have any new bruises accepted for the ones Charles gave him that time. So that means he hasn't been fighting, I guess unless he has avoided being hit.
Jerry don't want to ask again because last time he asked tom just looked at him and walked away. And didn't talk to him until they went to bed.
And is just made jerry more curries. Jerry looked up at tom. Jerry tried to get up and sat on tom's lab and put his arms around tom's neck. Jerry stared kissing tom. Tom put his arms around jerry and started rubbing jerry agents himself. Tom laid jerry down on the sofa. Jerry's breath got heavy. Tom laid down on jerry, and jerry could feel a hard bump and blushed.   

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