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"Find a place for us to sit, pet. I'll go order"

When Harry had told her he wanted to catch up, YN certainly didn't think he was serious. She doesn't know why any time it comes to Harry, she thinks he's joking or making fun of her, how pathetic could she be that even the thought of him wanting to grab a coffee with her makes her think he's taking the piss out of her?

She doesn't know why, but she does, and when he had texted her if she was fine to meet him in the late afternoon for a coffee, she had to read the message three times to fully grasp its content.

She couldn't believe her eyes, and she still can't fully grasp the extent of it, when Harry is walking back to the table she'd chosen holding a tray with two coffees in his hands and a small ceramic white plate with a slice of banana bread with two small forks on it.

Oh god. He looks good. He's so pretty it's unfair, and YN thinks it's nice seeing him outside of the school environment. He's much more relaxed, and she notices he carries himself around with a sort of gleam to him, and many heads turn to look at him when he walks, but, then again, it has always been like this when it came to him.

As he's walking back with their orders, she can fully grasp how he's dressed: a pair of distressed jeans hug his legs, tucked away in a pair of black Uggs that YN finds adorable (even more so when she remembers Aidi owns a pair exactly like him's), and a black hoodie on top, his pink fluorescent beanie tucked away in the back pocket of his jeans. When he catches her looking, she averts her gaze quickly, but she doesn't miss the smile he throws in her direction.

She tries not to blush too much when he sits in front of her and pushes her coffee towards her direction. He then takes the ceramic plate off the tray and positions it in the center of the table.

She takes a sip of her coffee and her eyes close as she tastes the sweet hot drink, "still 'member your coffee order", he chuckles, smirking with his lips around his own mug of coffee.

YN takes a big gulp before setting her mug down, her cold fingers wrapping around it to keep some of the warmth with her. She doesn't know how he could be so carefree in the way he delivers these types of informations.

To YN, remembering how someone takes their coffee after probably what could be more than five years, is a big deal. Like big. Because she remembers only a few of her friend's coffee orders. And among these, there's Harry's. But that isn't special on her part, because she used to have a crush on him and she'd always be extra mindful of every little thing he did, and she knows for a fact that wasn't Harry's case when it came to her, so, once again, it doesn't have to mean anything.

It doesn't, right? She needs to convince herself many times of this before she goes down a rabbit hole too intricate for her sanity.

"So..." she trails off, uncertain on how to make small talk, "'s been a long time, huh?"

Fuck, when she thought she couldn't get any more awkward than she already was, she delivers the exact same line he had told her days ago at the school.

"Yeah" he giggles, and if he noticed that she repeated his own words he doesn't let her know, "you're a teacher now."

Her brows furrow in the center and she throws him a puzzled look, "I am. Don't try to act too disappointed. You say it like there's something wrong with it."

"No, no, 's not that" he's quick to say, waving a hand in front of him, "of course there's nothing wrong with being a teacher, bug, I just... I remember your stories."

It's weird to her, how he would go there not even ten minutes into their coffee date, and she wonders what his point is. The chosen pet name doesn't go unnoticed, and she feels the sound of her heart beating in her ears, but she knows it doesn't have to mean anything. Probably too much baby talk with his three years old.

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