Chapter 2

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The chapter begins at the house of Quinn and Rooney who send to pack for college

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The chapter begins at the house of Quinn and Rooney who send to pack for college..

Rooney: Why are we packing a month before college starts?
Quinn: Ah, well, I thought you knew
Rooney: No......then we'll be very prepared to go

The sisters burst out laughing...

Meanwhile at Birdie and TK's house.....

Birdie: little brother.....where are you?

He screamed it so loud that even the neighbors could hear it

Birdie: Ah, here you are
TK: Dad said now I have to get ready to go with him and buy a new phone
Birdie: listen...I'm going to the bar with the Chicken Girls later, do you want to come?
TK: I need to see if I have commitments, I'll let you know later, what time do you go?
Birdie: we go around 4.30, let me know
TK: ok see you later

Meanwhile at Rooney and Quinn's house...

Quinn: Rooney, I'm working at the school drama club this month
Rooney: Cool!  While I....until September 25th I will be the head of the "Hey Harmony!" school website, but now I have an appointment at the hairdresser to dye two strands red
Quinn: ah ok, then I'll take pictures of you for your IG
Rooney: Ok, I'll get the camera so you can do it before we go to the girls
Quinn: ok see you later...

Rooney takes the camera and walks out of the room

Rooney takes the camera and walks out of the room

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Meanwhile Birdie is already at "Junior's" and decides to call the WhatsApp group "Chicken Girls"

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Meanwhile Birdie is already at "Junior's" and decides to call the WhatsApp group "Chicken Girls"....

Birdie: guys I'm already here, when are you coming?
Rhyme: Two minutes and I'm there
Quinn: even us
Birdie: Okay, hurry up

Birdie ends the call and after five minutes everyone arrives...

Rooney: Are we all there?
Birdie: I think so, however I asked TK to come, only he doesn't know if he will come
Rhyme: Finally having Tuesday tea after a long time and, we're all here
Quinn: Yes's been a while since we sat at this table....anyway....what are you going to do this month?
Birdie: I think I'll manage a dance team at I did with you
Rooney: I.....I'll be the chief of the school paper.  Girls, don't you notice anything new in me?!
Birdie: yes indeed
Quinn: Anyway going back to the subject I....I'll be the head of the drama club, so I'll have to decide the musical and all this stuff...
Rhyme: and usual I don't know what to do.  Advice?
Quinn: You could be a teacher.  I know that the English teacher went on vacation, so you could take her place for a month ...
Rhyme: Well...what do you think?
Ellie: Well, I think you're a good fit, anyway....I'm going to be the president of the election
Rooney: Wait... what?
Ellie: so....basically a boy or a girl has to apply to be the "Mini-Principal" and I will take care of announcing who it will be and collecting the votes
Rooney: ah i get it
Quinn: Girls, how about we go to school tomorrow to apply?  Rhyme you have to do it, I've already done it, and tomorrow they'll tell the results
Rhyme: Do you need a degree or experience to do this?
Quinn: no, you just need to know English...that is your language, and if you don't know it's very serious

The girls start laughing.....

Chicken Girls: College Years (MY WAY)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora