Runaway Guitarist

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I checked my watch anxiously. Yep I'm late. It's not that I like being late it's just that me and time have never been friends.EVER. I'm the type of person that would be late to their own funeral. I'm getting better at it though.My arm was starting to ache as I lugged my guitar case threw the swamps of people. Typical for me to get lost when trying to find the exit. I saw a crowd where the actual exit was once I found it. I scanned around all the unknown faces standing at the arrivals gate and something caught my eye.

'Eve Lynch'

I walked towards the guy holding the sign that said my name. He was quite tall and had a friendly face.I smiled.

"Ah you must be Miss.Lynch"

"Yes Sir",I said shaking his hand.something my dad always advised me to do while meeting new people.

"I'm Paul,the bands babysitter",he said taking my suitcase for me. Babysitter? Am I going on tour with twelve year old's?

"You have no idea how grateful we are for you to join us at such short notice. As I'm sure you heard our previous guitarist quit last week",he grimaced.

"Its fine the songs were all pretty simple to learn anyway",I lied.

They definitely were not. Trying to learn about fourteen songs I've never heard before in five days was not exactly fun. I don't think I slept a wink until I had them all nearly learned off by heart.

"Still it was a miracle to find you",he said leading me to a black SUV.

It was a miracle alright. I was so desperate for a job that when they rang they could have been requesting a drummer and I would have taught myself to play the drums somehow if it meant getting the gig. I don't think I'd ever been so relieved to leave my home in Florida. A light drizzle was falling from the grey London clouds and I felt like I was in a parallel universe.

"Our weather might be a bit tricky to get used to",Paul chuckled. I nodded not wanting to state the unknown fact that I was actually 100% Irish. Born and raised in the rainy town of Mullingar in West Meath.

On the way to the dance studio where the band was rehearsing I asked Paul more about them. I probably should have researched then taken that I'm going to be stuck touring with them for the next nine months or more if they like me. 

So far I've learned from Paul that they are called One Direction, there's five in the band, they are not twelve and the get alot of female attention. This is starting to get interesting. 

We pulled up at the hidden studio. It was practically in the middle of no where. I grabbed my guitar and flipped my long brown hair back as we entered the polished studio. The reception was cool and silent. Given its decor the lounge was quiet messing considering it had coats and bags just dumped there making the whole reception look a bit chaotic. As we entered a huge dance studio I got quiet a shock. I had expected to see five lads doing synchronized moves looking professional but no. Instead I saw two brown haired boys giving each other piggy back rides, a dark haired boy sprawled out on the ground fast asleep and a curly haired boy and a blond having a slap fight and hitting each other on the cheeks. I was half tempted to just lie down beside the dark haired boy because watching this whole scene just made me want to knock out on the ground and never wake up. What have I gotten myself into?

As soon as Paul slammed the glass door behind us they all immediately stopped what they were doing. Even the dark haired boy woke up and stared. It was like they were all suddenly in a weird trance.

"Boy's this is Eve,the new guitarist i was telling yous about. Hopefully her first impression of you won't make her run back to Florida",Paul hissed.

I couldn't help but chuckle they were all suddenly so obedient and nothing like the wild animals they were five seconds ago.

Paul started to introduce me to the boys.

"And finally this is Niall",he said introduced the blond boy. All of a sudden my whole mind went blank. My eyes were just fixed on this blond boy. He looked so annoyingly familiar that I knew it would kill me until I figured out why. His cheeks flushed as he realised I had been staring at him weirdly for longer than necessary. You'd think I should be embarrassed but let me tell you now ever since I was 12 I have never cared what anyone thought of me so why should I be embarrassed?

"Eve if you'll follow me I'll introduce you to the other musicians. Don't worry you can get to know the boys better later",he said leading me into a back room away from the dance studio.

"Nice to meet yous",I finally spoke a smile tugging up at my lips. I couldn't help it they were such cute little dorks.

"Wait...Boys wheres your choreographer?",Paul asked suspiciously.

"Well you see Pauly Babes I think the poor petal was on her time of month so she just sassed us out of it and then stormed away like a tornado",Louis said exaggerating every word he said with a different facial expression.

I could already see the anger starting to boil in Paul as he hissed,"I'll deal with yous later"

He then led me into a room with a plush red carpet and cream walls covered in black and white photos of heroic musicians from over the years. In the room there was a drum kit, a sleek black grand piano and a huge selection of multiple guitars and basses. Three lads sat around a desk flicking through music sheets. After they introduced themselves I learned that Josh was the drummer,Jon was the pianist and Sandy was on bass. I'll be lucky to remember half of the names of people I've been introduced to today. Paul left us so that we could get right down and start practicing together straight away. I personally was just hoping to be showed to my bedroom so I could catch up on some long awaited sleep but I guess I'm going to have to get used to living by other peoples schedules instead of just my own. Although as soon as I got my guitar out I felt strangely awake once again. We played for a good few hours and then took a break.

"No offence but you're really pale for someone who's from Florida",Josh snickered.

"You're just jealous cause I could be an extra on Twilight and you couldn't",I winked. The boys laughed.

"Seriously though you don't have much of an accent",he continued.I just shrugged in return.  Was it really that easy to tell I'm Irish? I hope not cause if I'm going to keep up this whole I'm American charade there's no point if they're just going to figure it out. You may be thinking why won't I just tell them,it's not that big of a deal. But it is. What none of these people in this building right now don't understand is that i have a lot of dirty secrets. So many that I should be a new character on 'Pretty Little Liars'. Don't start thinking I'm a bad person now,please don't. They say don't judge a book by it's cover but the book about my life is too long and full of mystery that it can't even be finished. Right now though it's under construction and hopefully touring with these boys will help get it back on track. 

Thankfully before anyone could question me any further Paul barged into the room and told us to pack up our stuff so we can go back to the hotel.

All I had was my guitar so I just grabbed it and walked out to the lobby. 

"Wow I never thought in my wildest dreams that our new guitarist would be a hot chick",a voice pured behind me.

I turned around and saw Harry checking out my bum. I raised my eyebrows at him before smiling sweetly and whispering in his ear 

"I'm lesbian so don't even bother".

Hey guys, well this is my first ever fanfic so yeah if its terrible i really do apologise but also please give me some feedback so i know how I'm doing! If you find anything unclear or confusing just drop me a comment. And don't worry Eve isn't a lesbian so yes,she probably will end up with one of the guys but your going to have to keep reading to find out;)

Much love,


Runaway GuitaristWhere stories live. Discover now