Chapter 2

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My head had just hit the cushiony soft material of my pillow and I snuggled into the covers, when a soft knock sounded on my door. I already knew whoever that was better be ready to have their hand chopped off for waking up a sleep deprived eight-teen year old girl.

"Evie-Boo open up",Louis started shouting as he continued to pound on my hotel room door. 

I sighed in defeat and shrugged of the warm covers. I swung the door open and had just opened by mouth to tell him in the nicest way possible 'to get lost'. But I never got a chance considering he just waltzed into my hotel room and started rummaging through my suitcase as soon as he spotted it sitting in the corner.

"Can I help you",I screeched appalled at him sudden actions.

He grabbed a black lace skater dress and baby pink converse out of my suitcase and chugged them at me.

"Slip these on my dear, because One Direction is treating their newest addition to the family to dinner"

"As sweet as that is could it possibly wait for tomorrow I have serious jet-"

"Nope no excuses! I'll be back in ten minutes to see my finished product,understand",Louis said shoving my makeup bag into my hands.

I shuck my head in awe of that crazy child. I hated to admit it but he was already reminding me of my older brother..Hard to think I haven't seen him in six years for all I know he could be dead by now. No Eve,stop. I'm just going to get myself worked up over it. I threw on the clothes and ran a brush into my hair. Best get this over and done with quick as possible so I can get back to sleep.

"Let me see my piece of art", Louis said walking in , not even bothering to knock.

I giggled and did a small twirl for him and took a small bow.

"It's official, I am a genius",he exclaimed.

"Let's go, you nutter",I said grabbing my purse.

Thankfully we didn't go far to grab dinner considering the boys couldn't risk leaving the hotel in case the fans 'mauled them to death'. Really their fans must be slightly insane if the poor boys can't even leave their hotel! Instead we went down the posh restaurant downstairs. It was quiet and reserved thankfully. Louis led me to the table where the the boys were seated. Josh and Sandy were also there but there was no sign of Jon.

"Looking well Miss.Lynch ",Josh called out. I rolled my eyes but still felt my cheeks begin to flush. 

"Keep your thoughts to yourself please",I mumbled not liking the sudden attention on me. It's not like I'm not used to it but still. They should learn to keep their eyes to themselves. Being the only girl on this tour other that their stylist is not exactly going to be easy.

"Well my dear jelly tot, since you are the newest addition to the family, it's only tradition for you to play the 20 questions game", Louis sang. I couln't help but wince when he said 'family' . I don't have a family and I think I'd like to keep it that way. Family means commitment, and I just can't deal with that right now.

"Alright lets get this over with",I chuckled.


"Favourite colour?"


"Favourite singer"

"Ed Sheeran"

Questions were being fired at me right,left and center.

"If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go?"

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