[The sun rises]

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Akaza POV

Master Muzan was wrong..? He said that Hashira would be strong..That Hashira was awfully weak.. and I wanted a challenge!! Though.. Master Muzan was right when he said this forest would have an.. aura.. This aura makes me feel. weak.? I wonder..

Douma POV

Jeez.. Sometimes it's hard being a leader of a cult.. it's far to boring..
hmm~ How I wish my Akaza-Dono were here right now..~ He makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside, I'm unfamiliar with this . ..'Lord Founder'.. .'feeling' though.. I'll ask Daki later.. . .. 'Lord Founder'.. . These 'emotions' things. are so.. futile . and I struggle with them so..
"Oh!! I'm sorry! I lost my focus there for a second! Now please, continue.~"
This woman is so annoying.. She just keeps going on and on.. I'm just gonna kill her, I'm starving either way...
hm?.~ what's this? I sense an aura.. wait .. Akaza-dono's aura?~

Akaza POV

(5 minutes later)

SHIT!! The sun is coming up! I need shelter! Oh.? A mansion.. The sun is coming up so fuck It! I'll die if I don't get shelter! What a pitiful way to die. I'll sneak in through the window, I don't wanna cause a scene in day light..
This aura.. got stronger.. Well, I'm already inside, no turning back.
Woah.. This room is so fancy! It's so pretty! And a very good design.. this style reminds me of.. Douma . He did mention that he runs a cult at a humongous mansion..

Oh God... I hope this isn't his 'Eternal Paradise Faith Club'..

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