One shot rq (shmut bbg 🥺)

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Not apart of the actual story‼️


If This does not go well I will delete this 💋

Top Douma
Bottom Akaza


Akaza POV

Erhhh... Why am I so Horny right now.?- What is this? Some heat type shit, ew. This is so annoying. [ Knock Knock ] who tf could be at my dojo right now?! Isn't my dojo also very isolated?! Guess I better open the door. Istg if it's a male, his life will be cut short. [ Creak ] " Hoi Akaza-Dono!!~ Can I stay here?~ The sun is threatening to rise!~" Said the Taller male, with a wide grin. " Tf.. No! Why don't you stay in the sun and kys?" I said harshly. Gosh. His eyes do look very pretty.. I wonder is they would show lust if he were to po.. WTF THOUGHTS.. "Akaza!!!! Let me inn!! Please!!!! T^T" The blond said while trying to push the pinkette out of the door frame. With the sunlight slowly making its way twords them. "uGhhh... Fine." Said the weaker one. Both demons quickly shut the door once they got in. The sunlight reaching the door right when they shut the door. Both of their hands were touching each other's on the door nob.

Nobody's POV

"Get your crusty hand off mine, dumbass!" 'His hand is actually pretty soft wtf..' The pinkette thought to himself, while the blond gently squeezed the other's hand, making Akaza's cheeks go pink. "Cut it out dickhead!" Yelled the shorter male in embarrassment. "Akaza-Dono~ You're horny, I'm horny~ Let's help eachother out.~" spoke the taller male, seductively. The way Douma spoke that second, Made Akaza's member go hard.

"Mhm.~ I'll take that as a yes, Akaza-Dono.~" The little moan the blond made before he said his sentence turned the pinkette on. The smaller slowly nodded, as the taller grinned. (Help I'm giggling 😭) Douma slowly leaned in, eyeing the smaller one's neck. 'Wow~ His neck is so plain.~ Why not give it something to catch someone's eye.~' Douma thought to himself. He breathed on the pinkette's neck, making him shiver. The taller male made a low chuckle and kissed his neck. At first there were some light kisses, soon he started to lick, and bite the weaker one's neck, earning a few small moans. "N-Ngh.~" "I'd like to hear more sounds from you love.~" Douma cooed, while grabbing Akaza by the ass and carrying him. By instinct the weaker one latched his arms and legs around the stronger.
Douma had stalked Akaza for a while now, so he knew where his room was, he headed there while kissing the pinkette, passionately. Once he got to the smaller one's room, he threw him on the bed, almost instantly undressing Akaza and himself. Douma thrusted a finger into the pinkette's ass. "A-Ah!~" moaned the smaller of the two. Douma decided it was best for the pinkette to adjust to his finger before moving on. Once Akaza had adjusted, he squeezed the male's shoulder on top of him. Douma then started taking his finger in and out of the pinkette. "A-Ah.~ Ngh~" The moans of Akaza were sweet music to Douma's ears, he needed to hear more of Akaza's moans and whines. Douma then added another finger into the pinkette's ass, pushing them in all the way, just carresing the smaller's prostate. He then made his two fingers in a scissoring motion, to pleasure and loosen the weaker one up. "Mh~ I think you're ready, love!~"

The taller grinned and gently placed the already sweating male on his lap, slowly pushing him down on his erect cock."N-Ngh.~" Once Douma was fully in he held onto Akaza's waist."Fuck.. Your insides are messaging my dick.!~" The taller said. "D-Douma.~ You can move now.." The pinkette spoke, slightly moving his hips.
The Blond moved his hands, from his waist to his ass, slightly squeezing it before lifting him up just till his tip was the only thing inside of the pinkette. Then the taller slammed back into him with full force. "AH-H~" Douma awed at the sight. He always wanted to see his beloved Akaza like this. Without hesitation, he started thrusting at an average speed. Moans, whines, and grunts filled the room. Skin clapping, bed creaking. Douma was looking for a specific spot in Akaza. His prostate. "AH!~" Douma grinned and kept slamming into the spot that made the pinkette go wild. Akaza's moans grew louder and louder. If the pinkette's dojo wasn't isolated people walking past his dojo would hear them, loud and clear. Akaza was a moaning mess, mouth hanging open, drool slightly flowing out of his mouth, cheeks a crimson red, and sweaty. "D-DoumA!~ Ngh~ I-I'm gonna-a.~ * pant * c-cum!~ Ah!~" moaned out the pinkette. "Ngh.~ Go on ahead darling.~" As soon as the weaker one heard those words he came on Douma's hand that caught it all. The blond lifted his hand and licked all of the sperm of his hand seductively. Making the pinkette go even more red. " Mhm.~ You taste amazing love.~"
Douma came into Akaza 2 minutes later.

The pinkette passed out due to exhaustion.
The blond cleaned all of the cum and sweat off of them both, once he was done he got a new pair of clothes and put it on the smaller one.
His arms clinged on Akaza's waist like if his life depended on it. The pinkette subconsciously cuddled into the blond's chest. Both of their legs interwined with each other. 'If Akaza-dono doesn't wanna show his love bites and hickeys in public he can just borrow some of my makeup! C:<' The blond though as he drifted into a dreamless slumber.



Words : 963

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