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The doorbell chimed behind you and a chill breeze entered the inside of the diner for a brief second. You didn't have to turn your head to realize that a group of high school kids entered the diner, their voices were too loud and annoying. You rolled your eyes and popped a french fry into your mouth.

It's been about two weeks since you and Donghyuck made it official. You agreed to start a relationship that very night you confessed to each other outside the amusement park. Donghyuck only agreed to go out with you if he won three consecutive races at the bumper cars ride. Turns out you ended up crashing his car in every single round, but Donghyuck kept on saying that he didn't really mean what he said and kissed you into agreeing to go on another date with him.

You were happy. Ever since you started dating, you found yourself enjoying the time you spent with Donghyuck even more than you did before. It's not that many things changed, it was mostly the same things you used to do. The only difference was that neither of you was afraid to express their true feelings anymore.

You and Donghyuck were sitting next to each other at the diner booth. Donghyuck had his arm wrapped around your shoulder, while he used his other arm to grab french fries from the bowl on your table. You agreed to buy just one bowl of french fries to ease your appetite before you ordered your actual meals.

Donghyuck was talking to you about the drive-in cinema that will start working again next week. He said that they would be playing one of his favorite movies, so he practically begged you to go with him and treat it as a date as well.

"What are you guys talking about?" you heard Jimin's voice and you looked up to see that she had just arrived with Yangyang standing there next to her.

"Oh hey guys, we didn't hear you entering. I was telling Y/n about the drive-in, it'll be open again next week. Wanna go-wait-" Donghyuck started saying, but he cut himself off when he noticed that Yangyang was holding Jimin's hand.

"Dude what?" Donghyuck asked again and you sat there staring at your friends with eyes wide open. Jimin and Yangyang were grinning at your and Donghyuck's reactions, before they went to sit on the booth opposite of yours.

"Yup, it is exactly what you think it is. Now, what were you saying about the drive-in?" Yangyang casually joined in the conversation without addressing the matter that clearly needed to be addressed.

"Jimin, why didn't you tell me about this? How long have you guys been going out?" you said smiling at your friends.

"Not that long, just a few days after you guys. See, I was going to tell you about it Y/n, but Yangyang thought it would be funnier if we just showed up one random day like this and let you guys figure it out on your own" Jimin said and Yangyang kissed her forehead before wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"Yeah, turns out that stupid quiz you girls thought of works wonders" Yangyang said and popped one french fry that he stole from the bowl.

"Wait, Yangyang, you were the one to send Jimin the quiz? Oh how the tables turn" you said and he waved you off.

You weren't even the slightest bit surprised that Yangyang and Jimin were dating now. Honestly, it was quite obvious that there was something going on between them, but both of them were way too stubborn to admit it. Was it that way with you and Donghyuck too?

The four of you spent time at the diner that night. The feeling of being carefree and relaxed around your friends reminded you of the time you used to spend all together back in high school. It really felt as if you never lost touch with one another, everything was back to normal. Except this time, your heart felt at ease too.

It was getting quite late and the diner was almost empty now. The four of you didn't really have the heart to check the time and make a move to get up and leave, you were having way too much time to just call it a night.

You had now ordered a second round of drinks, non-alcoholic though because none of you was really that good at staying sober. Instead, you just stuck with fizzy drinks and sodas.

Yangyang emptied out his second bottle of coke before he slammed it on the table. He licked his lips and sighed. "Wow, this was a good one" he said. But this wasn't the only thing he had in mind. You could tell by the smugness of his expression.

Yangyang smirked and then lifted his head to flash one of his signature wide grins. "I don't wanna go home yet, guys. So, who's up for a game of spin the bottle?" he asked.

Jimin kicked his leg under the table, Donghyuck sat up and smacked him in the head and you stretched your arm to pinch his nose. The four of you burst out laughing, thinking about how things would have turned out if it wasn't for Yangyang's stupid ideas.

spin the bottle ↷ l. haechanWhere stories live. Discover now