Chapter 2 trying to escape hell

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I drove home and opened my door and ate a snack parents weren't home and in the middle of me eating I heard a knock on my door I go to it to see MacNamara at my door then I turn the blinds so I can't see her then keeps knocking and ringing the doorbell until I flipped and opened the door and said "WHAT?!" She looked up at me and said "Um Heather chandler wants you to join us at her house" I look at her confused then she grabbed my arm and pulled it and said "Come on!" She runs pretty fast I try to keep up with her then I just sprinted pass her and ran to Heathers house and stopped.

I look behind to see MacNarmara shocked look on her face to say "Wow you can run" I chuckled out of breath then said "Yeah that's 6 years of track and field can do to ya" she chuckled clearly out of breath like me too then once I turn around I see the demon queen staring at me and I looked at her with a scowl.

She smirked at me then said "Come on in weirdo" I come in but making sure I wasn't doing anything to make her wanna ruin my reputation if I even had one.
Heather snapped in my face which made me grab her wrists and pull her face right in front of mine and me saying threatening her saying "You never do that to me again understood?" I gave her the death stare she didn't give an answer but then I let go of her and moved pass her to see Duke sitting outside with a book in her hands. I head outside and Duke put her book down and stood up and walked over to me and punched my stomach lightly and pushed me. I ignore it and sit on top of the porch and saw Chandler walk next to me and said "Let's play" I look confused then see some sort of game I'm not familiar with and I look at her confused and she scoffed and said "You don't know how to play?" I shook my head and she laughed and so did Duke and a chuckle from MacNarmara I looked at them with a eritated expression and chandler said "doesn't matter just try you know what trying is right?" Duke laughed then said "yeah she does she tries all the time but never succeeds" I scoff and my skin started boiling. I started walking back inside to be stopped by MacNarama "Come on please just try it's a little boring with them over and over I like a new color" I scoff and say "New color? Please I'm no color" MacNarama gasped then said "Wow so your invisible that's so cool that means your special" she booped my nose and then she said "Come on" she grabbed my Han and pulled me into the backyard and I sighed angrily and grabbed a mallet and saw the color was black and chandler said "It suits you" and laughter was heard from the rest.

              Chandler hit the ball with her mallet and hitting three of the hoops and she walked over to me and said "Your turn" I hit the ball going through four hoops earning a gasp from everyone and I smirked and said to Chandler "How was that for trying" she gasped and said "Don't try me L/n" Rage filled my eyes and pushed her to a bush and held her collar of her shirt and pulled her up and said "Never call me by my last name ever got it?!" She looked at me shocked and I dropped her and I looked behind me to see shocked expressions on Dike and MacNarmara I scoffed and stormed out of the house and MacNarmara ran after me and grabbed my arm and I took a sharp turn towards her and said "Back off" I opens the door and slammed it shut now I know for a fact I'm done tomorrow in hell.

               I head in my house and locked it and put my coat down and hung it up and went in my room and smacked my head on my pillow and turned on my record player and tried to fall asleep with my record player on.

Thanks for reading I'm hurrying thanks
738 words

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