Chapter 5 Questioning hell?

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       The next moring I had my shirt off and I was staring at the ceiling and thinking about things and questions that not a bunch of people could oslve and other things then Mackie broke my thoughts and shifts her body on me adn puts her hand on my chest and she's naked next to me but I have my underwear shorts and sports bra still on and she says "What are you thinking about there Mr.Grumpy pants" I scoff and say "I'm not grumpy why do you think that?" And she trailed her finger to me mouth and pulled it into a smile and she removed her finger and I was smiling and she said "That's better I like it when you smile it's geniue sweet and suites you but most of the time you just look dark and gloomy" I smile at the comment then back to my 'dark and gloomy face' and said "That's how I like it"

            She shakes her head no and says "Yeah but i'm telling you that you just look better with a smile but love you either way but I feel more happy when you smile" Then I smirk and say "Well I smiled 100 times more then I ever did last night" She smacked me lightly and said "That's not funny" And I laugh hysterically and said "Actually it kinda is" She tucked a peice of hair behind my ear and I stare at her and then I say "Hey let's go get dressed and everything your parents are probably worried sick" 

        Mackie got up and strechted and I admirred her body and thats it and said "You know it's rude to stare right?" She turned around to me for a full look on her vagina and tits and I sat up with me knees and held her hand and kissed it and while kisssing up her arm saying "Not if it's someone you love very much"  I kept kissing on her arm her hsoulders then her neck leaving two to three hikies and then down to her chest covered with her tits and I laid my head in the middle feeling her heartbeat at the second and Mackei moaned in the process and I said "Your so beutfiul and gorgeous" She grabbed my head and pulled my hair and my whole head fell back and she kept it like that and kissed my neck and my neck is sensitive and I groaned and she giggled and pulled my hair down more and then left one hickiey and when she did that I shot up and burried my head in her chest and she giggled and said "Alright babe lets get ready" 

            With that she leaves and I followed her the restroom and I wrapped my arms around her waist walking with her and I said "You never said we couldn't get ready together" She chuckled then said "I guess your right Bun-bun" I gave her a confused expression and she said "What?! i think bun-bun suits you" I rolled my eyes playfully and Mackie chuckled and kissed me and said "Ok now come on" Mackie grabs a yellow shirt that says "So cool" with a sun and sunglasses on it and some short and I mean SHORT pair of shorts.

         I chose a long sleeve green shirt and a black polo on top of it and then some jeans and a brown belt (Or whatever you want) and I looked at Mackie and my jaw dropped and Mackie chuckled and put her arms around my neck and I held her by her waist and she gave me several pashionate kisses and I went wide eye and snuck my hand to her ass and squeezed it and she moaned at the touuch and kept staring at her and she had her hair facing on my jeans and her arms on my shoulders and her head was pushed on my chest and I lifted her chin up and said "Don't you hide from me beutiful" She chuckled and gave me a heated kiss and we both moaned in each others mouth then I got pushed on the bed but then I sat up on the edge of the bed and Mackie stands before me with a devious smirk and then a thought hit me and it ruined the moment for me 'What if Heather Chandler and Duke knew?" 

     After 30 minutes we went downstairs for some brekfast and we already smelled something and I said "What's that smell and could we make brekkfast as good as the smell" Mackie let out a little laugh and then I saw Heather Chadnler and she said "Don't bother it's already cooked" She smirked at the both of us and Duke came from behind us and said "Hi there you two" And Duke gave me the death stare and said "Oh by the way your bathroom is clogged or something it almost overflowed" I rushed in the bathroom and said "Show me" Duke followed her and shut the bathroom door nad locked it and Duke pushed something into the closet and closed the door and I kept questioning 'What is she doing?' 'Why is she doing this?' Duke proceeded to push her into the wall and she said "I'm gonna make this fun and enjoyable" Then she kissed me and we were in there for over 50 minutes just making out and shit.

            Then Mackie opened the closet and me and Duke stopped and she stood there tears forming and I said "Mackie I-" Then she ran out to Chandler and Chandker looked at us confused and said "Mackie dear what happened?" Mackei through all her sniffling and cries she got words to come out of her mouth and she said "Y-y/n and Duke w-w-were making o-out in in in the" Chandler shushed her calmly then let Mackie sit on the couch and then went up to me and samcked my face hard and i held my cheek from the pain and said "What the hell?!" Then Chandler said "I can't believe you did you also make out with Mackie?" I nodded and she smacked my face again I groaned in pain and then said "All of y'all out of my house now!" Then Chandler cupped my cheeks and said "First which one of us is your favorite" 

            My eyes went wide and I stayed silent and she smirked and said "Didn't know it was gonna be this hard do you like all of us?" I blushed and nodded slightly and she noticed and smirked and apparently so did the other girls because Mackie wasn't crying anymore and they guided me upstairs and pushed me on the bed and I got worried and started questioning 

Note from author: Sorry for short chapter but next chapter will gaurentine will be something y'all will go nuts for!!!

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