Unexpected Reunion

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McCoy had been dealing with an outbreak of Levodian Flu on the ship for days, barely taking a break to sleep, much less read the latest reports and messages coming across his desk from the rest of the ship. If it wasn't marked 'URGENT' it wasn't getting his attention.

So, he'd missed the notice that a new Chief Science Officer was coming on board the ship, or that the Captain was going to be bringing her around for introductions. He'd known they were opening up the position—even though Spock was a genius at the sciences, he'd decided his position as first officer took precedence and felt he could still assist the Science department from a more unofficial capacity.

Of course, since he'd missed the announcement of said new science officer coming on board, and that sickbay was next on the schedule for her visit with the Captain, he'd have also missed her name.

Jessica Chastain.

Had he known it was Lt. Commander Jessica Chastain that had been chosen for the position, that she'd beamed on board the ship just hours before, and that she'd be walking into his department, he might have been better prepared...

"And here's our top of the line sickbay, Lt. Commander Chastain. May I introduce you to our Chief Medical Officer, Doctor Leonard McCoy."

McCoy swung around, his brain only beginning to compute the last name Kirk had said when he saw her standing only a few feet away. "J-Jess?"

Kirk's eyebrow raised. "Bones, you know our new Chief Science Officer."

The woman smiled softly and nodded. "Hello Leonard."

He stepped forward a few feet, brain still trying to compute the woman now standing in his sickbay, who-knows how many thousands of light years away from Earth. "Jess, I— I had no idea you'd even entered Starfleet. You're on the Enterprise now?  When did you get here?"

Kirk rolled his eyes. "Bones, I sent you the report a week ago."

McCoy blinked, slowly dragging his gaze away from Jessica. "I—I've been a little busy Jim. That's what happens when a crewmember with Levodian Flu goes to one of your staff morale parties. Half the crew ends up with it."

"Well, Bones," Jim said as he reached out and smacked his friend on the shoulder. "We're having another one of those parties tonight to welcome Chastain on board. Since you two seem to already know each other, and this was the last stop on our tour and introductions," he turned to his new CSO to finish, "I'll just leave you here, if you don't mind, Lt. Commander? I need to get back to the bridge."

"No problem, Captain. Thank you for the tour. I'll see you tonight in the Officer's Lounge. 1800 hours, correct?"

"That's right. See if you can convince the good doctor here to join us. He never comes to my parties." The Captain grinned again as he glanced between his CSO and CMO, then quickly ducked out.

"Jess, it's so good to see you!" McCoy quickly bridged the distance between them and pulled Jessica into a hug.

He felt as much as heard her chuckle. "Good to see you too, Leonard."

McCoy pulled back, hands still on her shoulders, and looked her over, tears threatening at the corner of his eyes. "How long has it been, Jess?"

"Since we saw each other in person? Oh, probably five years. And four since we last talked," she said, eyes down staring at the ground in front of him."

"I'm so sorry Jess. I—there's so much to tell you. So much to explain. We have so much to get caught up on."

She took a deep breath and looked back up at him. He saw so much emotion swirling in her eyes. He understood it. He felt it himself. "Well, I'm not going anywhere, anytime soon, I suppose, so we'll have plenty of time."

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