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(Chip's Pov)

Me and Mango were just playing pool when Wheezy came back into the room. He looked real mad. There was literally smoke coming out of his nose and his head was on fire. I set down the pool cue and walked over, stopping in front of my angry friend.

"Wheeze? Are you alright?" I asked, looking up at my friend a bit concerned.

He looked back at me, and his face softened a bit. He usually calms down more around me, but I don't know why. "I'm fine, Chippy. Go on back to your game, I'll be right there."

"Alright! You better get here soon, I'm about to win again!" I said, before turning around and returning to the pool table.

Mango looked at me, looking a bit confused. "What's with Wheezy?"

"I dunno. He said he's fine, but he looked pretty damn mad." I responded, shrugging my shoulders. "But he said he'll come over in a minute, so let's just keep playing."

"Alright!" Mango responded, grinning wide and picking up his pool cue again.

We went back to our game, and I was still winning. I feel real proud of myself! I mean, I hear the others saying that I have some kind of problem, so maybe this will prove I'm actually fine! I can never seem to remember what problem I have though, it's weird. Maybe I should ask Wheezy later. Speaking of Wheezy, after a few minutes he finally walked back over to our game and sat on the couch again.

"Wheezy!" I greeted him, smiling widely at him. "I'm winning still!"

"Good job, Chips." He said, giving me a small smile back.

"Hey! I can still win!" Mango argued. "Its just... 67 to 0..."

"Yes. You can toootally still win." Wheezy said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

We talked for a bit, laughing and playing together. I won most of the games, much to my enjoyment and Mango's sadness. But we were interrupted when the two guys from earlier walked up. I could see them clearly now. They both had cups for heads, one had a red uniform on while the other wore blue. They kind of seemed familiar to me, especially the blue one.

(Cuphead's Pov)

Me and Mugman walked up to three of the casino staff nervously, hoping to re-introduce ourselves. We were hoping to move past what happened last time, but we knew it would take a while. So we decided to start with maybe getting to know each other. We went up to a group of three of them. If my memory serves me right, their names are Mr. Wheezy, Chips Bettigan and Mangosteen. I chose to go over to them of all since Chips and Mangosteen seemed friendly enough when we fought them. Mr. Wheezy was another story, but at least the other two are hopefully friendly. So we walked up to them, with Mugman hiding behind me.

"Hiya!" I greeted as we walked up, waving at them. "You may or may not remember me, but I'm-"

"Cuphead and Mugman." The cigar cut me off, venom lacing his voice. "Oh, I remember you two all too well."

"Oh, is that good-?" Mugman asked, before getting cut off again.

"I don't remember you in a good way." Mr. Wheezy growled, standing up and walking over. He was now standing between us and the other two. "You did more harm than good, you little-"

"Oh, cmon Wheeze!" The cowboy suddenly spoke up, standing beside him and placing his hand on the cigar's shoulder. "They're just kids! Cut em some slack!"

"Chips, you don't know what they did." I heard him whisper to the other, and he looked a bit calmer when he talked to him. What did we do that was so bad? I know we didn't kill anyone! "Just go back to your game, I need to talk with these two."

"Alright! Just don't hurt those kids!" He called, before going back to his game with the floating 8-ball.

Wheezy smiled for a minute and he just looked at the cowboy. I've got a feeling someone's got a crush! Definitely using that to my advantage. But as quickly as the smile appeared it fell, and the angry cigar grabbed both of us by the collars of our shirts and dragged us away. We soon found ourselves in a spacious storage room, with plenty of space between us all. Mr. Wheezy looked absolutely pissed.

"Uh, Mr., I don't know what we did but we're really sorry-" Mugman started, before being interrupted yet again.

"No, no, no, a simple 'sorry' isn't gonna cut it!" Mr. Wheezy yelled, causing us to flinch. "I don't blame you for having to fight us, no, but I do blame you for what you did to Chips!"

"What?" I questioned, shaking my head a bit. "What did we do? He seems alright-"

"He was knocked out for two months!" He responded, anger seeming to rise. "The only reason he's awake is because the Devil used his magic to wake him up! And because of that he got brain damage, and now he's got memory problems! It's taken years to even get to the point where he remotely remembers his own name, let alone our names! Because of you he can't remember who he is!" By the end of his explanation there were tears in the corners of the cigar's eyes, threatening to spill over. 

I felt a wave of regret pass over me. We never meant to actually hurt anyone that badly. We were just trying to save our souls. But now we cost someone their memories of their whole life, and with them many people he loved. I turned and saw Mugman looking in shock. I remember the fight, and I know he was the one who used his super on the cowboy. And with how Mugman is he probably isn't gonna do to well knowing he caused this.

"Wheeze..." We all turned and saw Chips in the doorway, a small frown on his face. He walked over to Wheezy and hugged him, wrapping his arms around the cigar's torso. "You don't gotta blame them for what happened. I may not know what happened, but I don't want anyone to start fighting because of something we couldn't control." Wheezy paused for a moment, before he hugged the cowboy back, muttering something in his ear. Chips just smiled and kept saying comforting things back until he had mostly calmed down. He then parted from the hug and walked over to me and my brother. "And you two. You don't think about what happened, alright? None of us could have known what would happen. And you two were kids just fighting to survive. So hey, no hard feelings! You could say this is a new start!"

Me and Mugman shared a glance, before we both turned and smiled at the cowboy. "Thanks, I wasn't so sure we would be met with any forgiveness at all, let alone after learning we did that much." I said, before patting Mug's back. "And hey, Mugman is smart. Maybe he could help ya remember!"

"Yeah, I would be willing to go through some of my books to see if there's anything I could so to help!" Mugs offered, scratching his back awkwardly.

"Sure! I would appreciate that! Then maybe I won't keep accidentally calling Wheezy 'Sneezy' by accident!" He said with a laugh, going back to his friend and grabbing his hand. "Now c'mon! I wanna add to my win streak!"

He ended up having us play pool with him, Mangosteen and Wheezy. Chips just kept winning, making his smile grow more and more. I kept catching Wheezy looking at Chips with almost a lovestruck look. I kept giving him smug looks, which made him both angry and flustered. I also teased him lightly about liking the cowboy, which made him even more angry and flustered. It was really funny. Eventually me and Mugs had to go home, but we were happy we decided to get a job there. We had a feeling it would be a fun adventure.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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