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Almost 24 hours later...

Xianmao's private jet finally lands at JFK Airport.  She moves her sleepmask over her forehead and blinks her eyes numerous times. Yuxan is ready to hand her a bottle of water to avoid dehydration.

She takes her time before getting off the plane for her limo. Several henchmen accompany her for protection to take her to a hotel for rest.......

Even in a penthouse suite, she refuses to rest. Something was bothering her ever since she left the States. There was some talk about her grandson having dinner with Hei. Her most trusted subordinate.

The end of her sword cane taps the floor. A laugh escapes her lips. Jian is too much of a coward to even try that. However.....

Her wrinkled fingers tap the buttons on her phone. Ring. Ring. "Hei, are you in NY?"

"I am, Madame Xianmao. How can I help you?"

"Has there been any word about Orchidea?"

"All I know is that she and her men returned to her mansion.....with what I think is an engagement ring. And someone new among them. Based on what we found, Diego Sanchez served with El Segador."

So that whore did get engaged. Even then, she wouldn't want to risk his life.

"Does Mr. Sanchez have any family?"

"He has parents in Mexico, but no children and no spouse--"

"Send a package to remind them of their son's stupidity."

"As you wish."

"But before was dinner with my grandson?"

"It was fine. I just reminded him never to embarrass you again. He got the message," he says without a rush in his tone.

"Good. But Jian needs more than that."

Hei swallows his gulp away from the phone. "What do you have in mind?"

"I will take care of that. Make sure that Mr. Sanchez's parents get a nice basket."

"Of course. Zaijian (bye)," before hanging up his phone in his apartment. He throws away his task to text a quick message.

{Panda is back. Be careful}

Jian's phone buzzes while the twins watch TV. Hei's message has him stand up.

"Is she back?" Jia asks.

He nods. "And I don't think she's finished with me."

She sits up. "What happened?"

He relays that he backed up from the swing of her front of the Triad Council.

Jia's arms wrap around him. Knowing her grandma, she doesn't let an incident go unpunished.

"Don't go out there!"

"Jiejie (Sister), I can't stay in this apartment forever. She will find me and one of us has to--"

"Don't!" Her almond brown eyes tear up. "Why does it have to be that way?"

"Exiling her means she will find a way to claw back to the top. I have no second thoughts of what I must do. Your safety is the highest priority to me."

Tears roll down her face. "I'm scared." He lets her get her voice out. "What if.....I lose you after this?"

He knows between the lines her meaning. Even though their grandmother was horrible, killing her might strain what's left of their family. Jia may never view her brother the same after that moment.

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