C^4pt3r 12 (level 57)

83 3 19

Tw for violence, body horror,  gore  and PTSD/panic attacks :0  (sorry if this isn't accurate, lots of mixed messages where I get my info.) 

The echoing roar of the entity was quickly cut off, a flash of white-ish red blood spraying on the floor. I breathed heavily and exhaustedly, trying to shake the bloody goo off the top of my bat, however it seemed to dry instantly. ''We probably don't need these thermo-suits anymore. Unless we want to cook ourselves.'' Casey said, squeezing out of her heavy jacket. 

''Probably a good idea. =('' I said, still panting heavily and shuffling the heavy suit off. The area was quiet and empty looking, it looked kind of like a gallery filled with (art?) of what appeared to be.... levels? 

''I feel like this place is either going to be extremely safe or an entity is going to magically teleport here and eat us.'' Casey said, glancing around the quiet area nervously. ''Probably. =('' I sighed in reply. 

I felt exhausted and sore, not really wanted to admit or show how beat and pathetic I felt, and I sensed something bad had happened to my friend when I was unconscious. Dusky flew around the gallery happily, enjoying the safe space. ''Hey Justin look at this, it kind of looks like a map.'' I heard Casey say, pointing out an odd looking map on the wall. 

The layout looked extremely complex, and not complete, as a section was blurred off. ''That blurred section could be a no-clipping spot. =('' I suggested. ''Yea. Maybe.'' Casey said dully, she looked like she was deep and thought and not paying much attention. 

''Maybe you should rest, you look exhausted.'' She suggested, pointing out how I was tense. ''I'm fine, you're the one I'm worried about. =('' I replied, I hadn't much during my time in level 5, and was certainly exhausted, but why would I admit to weakness?  ''What- why?'' She asked nervously. 

''You look nervous about something, you're constantly glancing over you're shoulder and look stressed. =('' I said. ''Well- considering its not safe here- and- umm-'' She stammered, frantically looking for an excuse for something. ''Considering how horrified and tired you looked back there, it's probably not just a little fear of an entity. =('' I said, placing my hand on her shoulder. She flinched. 

She swallowed and looked down, her eyes darting back at me. ''Wel-'' She started, however didn't know how to finish, and was on the brink of tears. She sighed heavily, and without a moment, wrapped her arms around me in a hug. ''Oh- erm- =('' I said, tensing up a bit, but relaxing a bit. 

''I hate this. I hate being here in this hell, and I hate being constantly attacked, and being constantly scared and out of control, and almost dying. I just wanna go home.'' She finally spat out, crying lightly. I winced. ''I- I understand. It's horrible here, and if I could I'd go somewhere safe. And I want to ''escape'' just as much as you. In my own way that is. =('' I said back to her, hesitantly hugging her back. 

She smiled lightly in response, and only hugged me tighter. ''Y'know, I'd hate to interrupt your moment you and your girlfriend are  having here, but then again, I don't really care. =('' A cold, familiar voice hissed, Ky. 

I let go of Casey, glaring down at him. ''How did you- =('' I started, too shocked to finish my sentence. ''Eh, when an angry, hungry, gigantic entity comes barging into your camping, eating half of your trained death moths, and destroying everything, its not exactly guarding the exit is it? =('' He replied, in a somewhat sarcastic and somewhat pissed tone. ''But hey, thanks for letting me out. =(''

Casey backed up in fear as well as Dusky, both of them trembling. This bitch was out, and here to kill us, and not just temporarily knock us out. ''You're out, great. Now go mess with someone else. You've done enough. =('' I hissed, getting in front of my friends and grabbing my weapon. ''Ehhh, I would, but you kind of have a lot of supplies, I kind of need that. =('' He said again, swinging his heavy scythe around, showing it off almost. 

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