Prologue: Flashes of God

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Welcome to the prologue of this story! I got this idea after seeing the fan made animation of Cyno vs Egyptian gods. It was amazing. Remember both main characters are female.

Without further ado, let's start this story.


" You two are the chosen ones, let the power help you until you are summoned to the realm of the gods."


???:" Gah!" A feminine voice rang out as a girl shot out of bed. "What in the name of Rah was that?" She said, holding her chest.

This girl is Amona De'Nile, the younger adopted sister of Nefera and Cleo De'Nile. She wasn't treated that way though. You know, due to being adopted.

Amona:" It was probably nothing." Amona said before pulling out her phone and checking the time.

3:16 A.M

Amona shrugged her shoulders before laying back down on her bed and falling back asleep.


At the same time another girl had the same dream.

???:" What in the world was that?" A girl's voice rang out as she tiredly sat up in bed, she was a bit confused as she never dreamed of this before.

This girl was Fangona Wolf, The little sister of Howleen Wolf. She was the runt of the pack. Otherwise known as the most useless of the siblings.

Fangona looked out the window, seeing it was still dark out with no sign of the sunrise, before laying back down with a dissatisfied grunt. It had taken her so long just to fall asleep and know she had to deal with waking up in the middle of the night.

She didn't dwell on it as she, much to her surprise, fell right back asleep.

Little did these two know what was in store for them.


The two girls slept peacefully through the night after that dream. But felt sick when they woke up, they had a fever, they were pale, and nauseous. They had decided to call out of school without each other knowing.

Luckily their dorms were connected so when Amona heard noise coming from Amona's dorm. It, at first, concerned her before she heard Fangona's voice

Fangona was grumbling about not having any medicine cause she forgot to buy some.

Amona walked to the door that connects her room and Fangona's room. Amona knocked on the door twice before waiting.

A few seconds pass before Fangona opens the door. Fangona's hair was dripping wet and her fur looked slightly wet as well, proving that she had just taken a shower.

Amona held up one of her medicine bottles. Fangona deadpanned before trying to take the medicine from Amona.

Amona pulled her hand away before looking at Fangona sternly.

" You have to take it in front of me." Fangona's eyes widen, she wasn't a little kid anymore. " Don't look at me like that, you never take your medicine. So take the pill in front of me." Amona's tone was what made Fangona give in.

Fangona:" Fine." She grabbed a water bottle that was nearby and held her hand out. Amona smirked in victory. Putting a pill on her friend's hand. Huffing, Fangona put the pill in her mouth before closing it and bringing her water bottle to swallow the pill that was in her mouth.

Amona:" Want to watch anime with me? I know your room is cold, you hate the cold, so I have my heated blanket and my heater on." Amona said as she pointed to her room with her thumb.

Fangona stares at Amona before a small smile come to her face, " Yea, sure why not?" She says as she walks into Amona's room. Fangona flops on Amona's bed, smiling at how warm it is. Amona smiled before closing the door and heading to the small kitchen in her room.

To be honest Amona was glad that she was sick, she didn't have to deal with the stares of hatred and fear because of the rumor that someone had spread around the school.

Amona started grabbing ingredients to cook some Mexican soup, that she learned to make online, as Fangona put on a show that humans made a few years back the show was called 'Ghost Adventures', but when Fangona pointed the remote at the Tv her vision became cloudy as suddenly she sees she has a glowing purple claw-like hand. Though once she blinked the glowing purple claw-like hand disappeared.

Fangona shrugged it of as her vision going blurry cause Amona's blanket was the same color as the supposed glowing claw.

Meanwhile in the kitchen Amona was almost done making the soup when all of a sudden her vision went cloudy, similar to Fangona, her hand becoming a glowing blackish-red claw with bright red nails. Amona shook her head, making everything return to normal.

Unlike Fangona, Amona knew something was up. The dream, the glowing claw, what's next? Fangona having the same dream?

Amona scoffed, she was going crazy there is no way that Fangona was going through the same things as she did... Right? But then again it was odd that they both got sick on the same day. Well she could just ask if Fangona had any odd dreams. Amona decided why not, then if Fangona answered something similar then it wouldn't be a coincidence.

Amona:" Hey, Fang?" Amona called out to the girl who was watching 'Ghost Adventures'. The girl paused the show before turning to Amona.

"What's up?" The girl questions as she wanted to get back to her show, but she also wanted to know what Amona wanted to say.

Amona:" Did you have any weird dreams last night?" Fangona's eyes widen, how would Amona know that?

Fangona:" *Ahem* uh yea. Why?" Amona now had Fangona's full attention, this was not something that happened before.

"Was the dream just plain black mindscape with a deep voice telling you that 'You are the ...chosen one and... something about god?" Amona said getting more hesitant at the end. Fangona's jaw dropped, before closing then opening again.

Fangona:" How the hell did you know that? Did something happen? Did you get it too?!"

"Yeah, I did. That means that it is not a coincidence. Someone is scouting us out. We have to be careful, we don't know if they want to harm us." The Egyptian said to the werewolf as they both went silent. Amona gave Fangona a bowl of the food she made as she got one for herself.

They both ate in silence, only time will tell what will happen to these two. For now though, they have to get through hell- I mean school.


In the next chapter they have to go to school. What fun, but they are different. They seem to avoid everyone except for the teachers, the main gang notices but the two girls aren't willing to say anything. What will happen? Only time will tell.

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