4. Truth

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  Another Sunday, another date with him, we've been going on dates on Sundays for 5 years now, recently he proposed to me so technically he's my fiancé now, I'm so happy I got together with him but he looks like he never aged from his 20s, he's already 27 but has no problem in looking flawless, good genes I guess.

"Hey! I'm here Tadashi~!"

"Ah, my sweetheart, how're you doing? Are you ready?"

"Yeah, of course I'm ready for our date!"

"Great to hear darling."

  We hiked to the top of a mountain which took about 30 minutes, I was exhausted but when I saw the sky, I knew it was worth it. We set up our picnic on the flatter side of the mountain and enjoyed our time together, but then when it was midnight he told me his truth.

"Hey Kiyeko, I have to tell you something, and it's important."

"Yeah ok, what is it?"

"I'm.. immortal."

"... What?"

"Yes, I'm really immortal, I'm not 27 I'm already well over 200 years old."

"But you'll still love me right? Until the end of time?.."

"Yes, I'll still love you, until you die I will love you."

"I still can't believe this, I'm sorry I can't help but cry.."

"Don't apologize, I was cursed as a punishment, no need for you to cry."

"Ok.. I have to go now, my mother is calling me, bye, I love you."

"Bye, love you too.."

  He was immortal, of course I still love him but it's just hard for me, he won't die with me, he won't grow old with me, I can't do anything but just accept it, well, there's no way to prevent this, I might as well enjoy life with him.

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