First steps 💕

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Summary: Y/N is about 11 months old and tries to walk

Lizzie had been looking forward to this moment for months, ever since Y/N was born. As a first-time mother, she had been anticipating every little milestone, but none more so than Y/N's first steps. She had read all the books and watched all the videos, trying to prepare herself for this moment, but she knew that nothing could truly prepare her for the joy and excitement that would come with it.

So when Y/N started showing signs of wanting to walk at 11 months old, Lizzie was over the moon. She spent hours every day helping her daughter stand up and supporting her as she took her first wobbly steps.

And then one day, it happened. Y/N took her first steps all on her own.

Lizzie was sitting on the living room floor, playing with Y/N when she saw it happen. Her daughter stood up and took a few wobbly steps towards her, a look of determination on her little face. Lizzie's heart swelled with pride and excitement as she watched her daughter take those first steps.

"Y/N! Look at you!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement and encouragement. "You're walking!"

Y/N giggled and clapped her hands, clearly delighted with herself. Lizzie quickly grabbed her phone and started recording, wanting to capture this moment forever.

"You're doing it, sweetie!" she said, her voice filled with admiration. "You're walking all by yourself!"

Y/N took a few more steps towards her mother, still wobbling slightly but managing to keep her balance. Lizzie couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment, for the joy and happiness that her daughter brought into her life.

"You're amazing, Y/N," she said, her eyes filling with tears. "I'm so proud of you."

Y/N beamed up at her mother, clearly pleased with herself. Lizzie knew that this was a moment that she would never forget, a moment that would stay with her for the rest of her life.

As Y/N continued to take her first steps, Lizzie couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness that her husband, Robbie, wasn't there to witness it with her. He had been working long hours at the office lately, and Lizzie knew that he was missing out on so much of Y/N's life.

She quickly sent the video to him, hoping that he would be able to watch it and feel the same joy and excitement that she was feeling.

"Robbie, look at our little girl! She's walking!" Lizzie wrote in the message. "You're missing out on so much. I wish you could be here with us."

Robbie replied almost immediately, his own excitement and pride evident in his message.

"Wow, that's amazing!" he wrote. "I wish I could be there with you guys. But I'm so proud of Y/N, and I'm proud of you too, Lizzie. You're doing an amazing job as a mother."

Lizzie couldn't help but smile at her husband's words. Even though he wasn't there with her in person at the moment, she knew that he was there in spirit, supporting her and their daughter every step of the way.

As Y/N continued to take her first steps, Lizzie couldn't help but feel grateful for her family, for the love and support that they provided. She knew that there would be many more moments like this to come, many more milestones to celebrate, and she was excited to share them all with the people she loved.

As the day wore on, Y/N's confidence grew. She was now walking more steadily, taking bigger steps and even attempting to run a few times. Lizzie watched in awe, marveling at how quickly her daughter was growing up.

"You're amazing, Y/N," she said, clapping her hands in excitement. "I can't believe you're already walking like a pro!"

Y/N beamed up at her mother, clearly proud of herself. Lizzie took out her phone and snapped a few more photos and videos, determined to capture every moment of this special day.

As evening approached, Lizzie heard the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. She peeked out the window and saw that it was Robbie, finally home from work.

"Y/N, Daddy's home!" she called out, scooping up her daughter and hurrying to the front door. "Let's go say hello."

Y/N's face lit up at the mention of her father. She had missed him all day, and was excited to show off her new skill.

As Robbie walked through the door, Y/N waddled over to him, arms outstretched. "Dada!" she exclaimed, her little voice filled with joy.

Robbie's eyes widened in surprise as he saw Y/N walking towards him. "Wow, Y/N, you're walking!" he exclaimed, bending down to scoop her up into his arms.

Lizzie smiled at the scene, feeling her heart swell with love for her family. She could see the pride and love in Robbie's eyes as he held their daughter, and it filled her with happiness.

"Did you see how cute she looks in the video I sent you?" she asked, referring to the earlier video she had sent of Y/N's first steps.

"I did," Robbie said, still beaming with pride. "I wish I could have been there to see it in person, but this is pretty amazing too." he said before giving Lizzie kiss and giving his daughter a kiss on the forehead.

They spent the evening playing with Y/N, watching her take her first steps again and again, marveling at her determination and spirit. They talked about their plans for the future, and how they would continue to support and encourage their daughter as she grew and explored the world around her.

As the night wore on and Y/N finally grew tired, Lizzie tucked her into bed, feeling grateful for the love and joy that filled her home. She knew that there would be more challenges to come, but with her family by her side, she was ready for anything.

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Lizzie Olsen / Wanda Maximoff x reader (daughter) Where stories live. Discover now