Panic attack ❤️

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Summary: Lizzie has a panic attack and Y/N takes care of her

Elizabeth Olsen and Y/N had been happily married for several years, cherishing every moment they spent together. On this particular day, they decided to escape the demands of their busy lives and take a leisurely stroll in the park, relishing the warmth of the sun on their skin and the gentle breeze that danced through their hair.

As they meandered along the winding path, their hands intertwined, a group of paparazzi suddenly appeared, cameras flashing incessantly. Elizabeth's heart started to race, and an overwhelming sense of anxiety washed over her. The constant intrusion into their private lives had taken its toll, and she could feel herself spiraling into a panic attack.

Sensing Elizabeth's distress, Y/N's eyes widened with concern. They immediately wrapped their arms around her, pulling her close, and whispered soothing words of comfort. "Breathe, Lizzie. Just focus on my voice and take slow, deep breaths. They can't harm us."

But as Y/N surveyed the relentless paparazzi, their protective instincts kicked into high gear. Filled with righteous anger, they turned towards the intrusive photographers, their voice booming with fury. "Leave us alone! Can't you see you're causing her immense distress? Show some decency and give us some privacy!"

The paparazzi, momentarily taken aback by Y/N's unexpected outburst, paused for a moment before continuing their relentless pursuit. Y/N's patience wore thin, and they raised their voice even louder, this time accompanied by a fierce glare. "I said leave us alone! We deserve to live our lives without being hounded every step of the way!"

The forcefulness of Y/N's words startled the paparazzi, and a few of them began to retreat, realizing the gravity of the situation. Y/N's protective stance had made it abundantly clear that they wouldn't tolerate any further intrusion. The remaining photographers reluctantly followed suit, their cameras gradually fading away into the distance.

Once the commotion subsided, Y/N turned their attention back to Elizabeth, who was still trembling in their arms. Gently, they caressed her cheek, brushing away stray tears. "It's okay, my love. They're gone now. You're safe with me."

Elizabeth clung to Y/N, her body seeking solace in their comforting presence. Feeling drained from the panic attack, she allowed Y/N to carry her to the nearby couch. There, they settled down, wrapped in each other's embrace, their voices intermingling in whispered conversation.

Y/N listened attentively as Elizabeth poured out her fears and frustrations, offering words of reassurance and understanding. They shared stories, dreams, and laughed softly, relishing the intimacy and connection they had built over the years.

Eventually, the exhaustion from the emotional rollercoaster took its toll on Elizabeth, and she drifted off to sleep, her head resting on Y/N's chest. Gently, Y/N scooped her up, cradling her in their arms, and carried her to their shared bedroom.

Carefully, they laid Elizabeth on the soft, inviting bed, tucking her in with tender love. Climbing in beside her, Y/N wrapped their arms protectively around her, their bodies fitting together like two puzzle pieces. As they drifted off to sleep, they found solace in the warmth and safety of each other's embrace.

The next morning, the sunlight streamed through the curtains, gently rousing them from their peaceful slumber. They woke up intertwined, their limbs tangled and their hearts content. Elizabeth smiled, her eyes shining with gratitude, as she traced the contours of Y/N's face with her fingertips.

With a shared understanding, they decided to spend the day embracing simplicity and togetherness. They embarked on a mini-adventure in

Could you make this story longer add more dialog and more details and please make Y/N scream at the paparazzi to leave them alone once Lizzie calmed a bit down.

Lizzie Olsen / Wanda Maximoff x reader (daughter) Where stories live. Discover now