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Y/n's POV

The next morning came by as I got ready to go for shopping looking at the monster eating his breakfast peacefully I sighed he glanced at me for a second and continued his eating "take the card and return before 7 tonight we have a dinner to attend " he said as I gulped "okay ".

Time skip at Mall.

I thought it was gonna be only namjoon oppa and unnie but to my suprise tae was also there he smiled as I immediately hugged him gosh I missed him so much "yeah I know you missed me " he whispered as I couldn't help but smile "hmm how about you both do your shopping as me and joon do ours ?" Ryuji unnie said as namjoon oppa nodded "we need some time for ourselves " said unnie as I rolled my eyes at them couples

"Why didn't that jerk followed you ?" Taehyung asked as we were looking around for clothes specificaly dresses "umm he is busy tae that's why " i said doing my best to sound normal "try this " said taehyung handing me a dress after trying the dress it looked good i showed it to tae and he smiled "it looks so beautiful on you baby " he said as I couldn't help but smiled what if that day it was tae ? Would situation have been different today ? Would I have been happy ? This question keeps revolving in my head.

Authors POV

Y/n walked inside the mansion her head down as she reached there room he was already inside "get ready we have to go " he said without looking as she took a deep breath nodding as she went inside the walk-in closet to get ready.

Both reached the 7-star hotel where the dinner was held it was his parents they were here to meet his parents which gave her utter shock,like a gentleman he pulled the chair for her to sit making her starled but she did her best to keep up with act talking further in dinner as it was almost time for dessert his father smiled satisfied "well I like her it would be good to have a heir from her " mr.jeon said as he looked at his wife who smiled "yes she is beautiful what do you say jungkook ?" She asked as jungkook smiled while Y/n panicked inside what did she just heard a hier ?.


Jin looked at his soon to be wife as she was gasping for air looking so hot he couldn't help but feel all jiggly inside ,several butterflies running through his viens watching her being breathless because of him she yelled frustrated gasping for more air as she yelled "kim fucking seokjin !!!"

(You dirty minded people what did you thought huh ?😏👀)

He smiled as he showed his tongue to her putting down the remote of video game "i won " he said as his krystal poured "you never let me win !!" She whinned cutely as he smiled bopping his nose on her while holding her face "well I can let you win in other game " he said as she looked at him confused he kissed her making her shook but within seconds she responded hungrily both gasping for air as their tongues fought for dominance hands holding eachother Jin pulled back keeping his forehead on her as both gasped for air "i love you mrs.kim " he whispered as she smiled "i love you to mr.kim " .

Jungkook walked inside the mansion as he looked over to Y/n who hasn't spoke a word since they started there dinner "what happened?" He asked making her flinch his voice was cold cause he was mad "what was that ?" She asked gaining some confidence "what do you mean ?" He asked removing his blazer as his white formal shirt was on display he rolled up his sleeves which revealed his tattoes which ofcourse goes up till his shoulder opening few buttons of his shirt he looked at her smirking.

"Why did your parents discuss about hier ?" She asked as he looked at her "ofcourse i need a hier " he said as he walked upstairs to there room "then get married !!" Said Y/n following him as both entered the bedroom he locked the door slamming her on it quite rudely as he stood infront of her caging her between his arms "why get married when I can get a hier from you ?" He asked as if he was taunting her that he can do anything to her and which is true.

"You can't Jeon you promised !!" She said losing her shit the fear was long gone "oh since when are we on our surname basis my slave ?" He asked as she closed her eyes "I don't want my child to be born out of wedlock and definitely not with you !!" Y/n said as jungkook smiled cunningly "now you are definitely giving birth to my child and that also without wedding you see I have a condition for you "

Both sat as she was on bed and he was on his king size chair "what is it ?" She asked as he smirked "you see as long as you give me a child I'll set you free " he said as Y/n's eyes widened this is not what she expected from him "will will you really do that ?" She asked all serious as he nodded she looked down before she can say anything he started laughing hard making her scared of his pychotic side he stopped laughing "not even in your dreams how dare you think I'll set you free ? You are born to be broken by me ,you are mine till you die !!!" He growled loudly as she looked at him confused he latched on her holding her throat chocking her making her gasp for air as he stared at her disgustingly "how dare you kiss another men and that also kim fucking taehyung !!!!!" He yelled as Y/n's eyes widened in realisation tears welled up in her eyes as she gasped for air her she felt like dieing "HOW DARE YOU !!!!" he screamed at her face dangerously.

Flashback to mall.

Y/n changed back to her clothes as taehyung knocked on the door she opened it as he came inside "tae what happened?" She asked worried as he looked at her "for how long are you going to ignore my feelings Y/n ?" He asked dead serious as she couldn't help but feel her heart crack "I'm sorry tae " she whispered as she looked down afriad to breakdown he held her face by holding her chin as tears fell from her eyes he wiped it away with his thumb "can i ?" He asked as she nodded his lips landed on her as she immediately kissed him back the kiss purely discribed his feelings for her it was love no hint of lust.

To be continued......

I took a long time to update am sorry bout that but I'll try my best to update early hope you understand thanks do vote and comment your theory now bet I made you confused 😏😏🌼💜💅😌do support FEAR it a yandere book i bet you love that theme.

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