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Over the past week, Christmas had gone into full swing in

Decorations began to pop
up everywhere in town.

Jungkook was beside himself
with excitement.

It was his favorite time of
year and seeing his new
found, stress-free happiness
was breathing life back into
me as well.

I hadn't quite realized how
much the monotony of my
life had been getting to me
until Jungkook walked into it
and shook everything up like
a snow globe.

I knew the moment I'd agreed
to take on the contract with
my previous employer I'd
made a mistake.

The work had been weighing
me down and it wasn't until
the burden of the job had
been lifted and Jungkook had become part of my life that I started to see more clearly.

Thank whatever deity that existed for sweet, beautiful
boys that looked at their
Daddies like they hung
the moon.

It seemed everyday my
funny boy showed me
another side of himself and
each and every new facet only endeared him to me more.

We were still very new but
he'd been spending most of
his downtime with me when
we weren't working.

I'd asked him to stay with me
at my house for several days over Christmas and he'd lit
up like a proverbial Christmas tree, talking a mile a minute about decorations and how
much we had to get done
to make sure my house
was festive.

He was a whirlwind.

A gorgeous, sexy as fuck,
kinky, little whirlwind but
a whirlwind nonetheless.

He'd brought a few of his Christmas decorations over
to my house and we'd had to take a gigantic shopping trip
as apparently my single box
of decorations was woefully inadequate.

When I'd gotten the box out
of storage which to my credit was a rather large box he'd muttered while going through everything saying things like.

"Oh my god, where is your stocking?"

"One strand of white
Christmas lights?"

"You have a single small
box of ornaments."

"What kind of tree do you
get yourself?"

"A Charlie Brown one?"

"Honestly Daddy, this is all
just so sad."

When I'd tried to defend
myself, telling him I usually spent Christmas with my
parents and my mom was
the one who had all the decorations.

He'd given me a you've-got-
to-be-kidding-me-Daddy-what-kind-of-excuse-is-that kind
of look and I'd given up on
trying to plead my case.

I had a feeling my boy was
going to be winning most arguments between us if
the current argument was anything to go by.

I honestly didn't mind a bit because he felt comfortable enough with me to give me
shit and I couldn't help but
think he was absolutely
adorable when he was
worked up about something.

I found myself smiling at him
and going along with whatever he wanted most of the time because I had a hard time
saying no to him.

Besides, the things he was asking for were things I
was happy to give him if it brought a smile to his face.

Which was how we ended up
in the Rover, driving north in
the falling snow to get "the
most perfect Christmas
tree ever" at an enormous
tree farm.

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