Chapter 12

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The task itself wasn't too demanding; Lord Deminas' neck and shoulders weren't very tense, and his skin was supple. However, Meya was sitting on her knees in hot water that reached just below her breasts—it only took a minute or two before little droplets of sweat began to slide down her face. As she massaged the lord's shoulders and neck, she couldn't help but wonder how he could be so void of tension. She'd expected him to have some stress knots, some rigidity in the muscles, but there was nothing.

Lord Deminas fully relaxed under her kneading and rubbing hands. "Lower," was the first thing he said after a while.

Meya complied and shifted to his mid-back. Despite his supple skin, she had some difficulty performing the massage techniques she knew. "My lord..." she started, hesitating for a moment. "This would probably work better with some oil." She wanted to ask if there was any and if he wanted that, but her lips failed to continue.

"This will do," he stated. "However, I'll keep it in mind for another time."

Meya couldn't see it, but she was certain that he was grinning.

Several minutes later, the lord spoke again. "Lower."

Meya moved her hands farther down, submerging them in the hot water, which had already given her a very flushed face, but having her hands so close now to the lord's buttocks made it even worse.

Is the skin on his chest also like this? she wondered as she massaged his lower back.

Her eyes moved over his strong arms and she licked her lips. She'd gotten a good look at his front once and she couldn't deny that his physique was highly attractive. She imagined clinging to his back, wrapping her arms around him and exploring his chest with her hands.

Oh gods, bad Meya! She mentally shook her head in an attempt to rid herself of the improper desires. Still, the memories of the lord's front plagued her mind. The fact that her hands were still kneading his skin didn't help much in quenching the thoughts in her head either. I guess there's only one place I didn't get a good look at. Her cheeks burned and she suckled her lower lip. There had been a few opportunities, but she'd looked away out of decency.

Lost in her own thoughts, Meya's hands were no longer just on Lord Deminas' lower back. They went up to his neck and shoulders, returned to his back, and then made a detour to his sides and upper arms. She didn't even notice that her breathing was becoming heavier in the process.

Lord Deminas did notice. "Meya," he said slowly.

"Yes, my lord?" she purred, massaging his shoulders.

"Are you enjoying this?"

Her hands slowed down and finally came to a halt. "I... I suppose I am, my lord," she admitted, not daring to lie. He turned around and Meya moved backwards. Oh gods, what now? I wasn't paying attention—I don't even remember if I did something improper! Her heart pounded heavily in her chest as anxiety swept over her.

"In what way are you enjoying it?" There was a glimmer of amusement in his eyes, accompanied by a faint smile.

Meya blinked, not fully understanding the question. "I guess I simply find it an enjoyable task, my lord."

"Are you cold?"

Confused, Meya frowned. She could clearly feel droplets of sweat sliding down her face and body, so she was sure he could see them too. "Not at all, my lord."

"I thought so. However..." His gaze went down and lingered on her breasts for a moment before returning to her face. "Your nipples are erect."

Her eyes widened and she froze in embarrassment. Why does he notice such things?

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