Chapter 34

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Meya hurried down to the dining hall, anxious to speak to Nina—if she was even there. The bells had rung not too long ago, thus it was still relatively empty. Not seeing Nina anywhere, Meya sat down at a table in the corner. She eyed all the servants who slowly poured in, and it didn't take long before she spotted Gail and beckoned her over.

Gail sat down opposite her. "Hey, heard anything from Nina yet?"

Meya shook her head. "No... But I fear Lord Deminas caught her near the dungeons."

Gail paled. "Did he tell you that?"

"Sort of... I'm not sure, really. I just hope she's not in any trouble."

Gail pointed at Meya's neck. "I've been meaning to ask you... Nina had marks too, what happened?"

Meya flushed and made sure her hair covered the bruises. "I'd rather not speak about it. We're both fine, though, don't worry." She smiled.

Gail cocked her head and raised a brow. "You sure? Yours look rather—"

"Ugh, Gail, I told you to shut it," Nina said as she sat down next to Meya.

"Nina!" Meya wrapped her arms around her and kissed her on the cheek.

Gail coughed, causing Meya to release Nina at once, her cheeks bright red.

"Are you alright?" Meya asked. "Lord Deminas—"

"I encountered him just as I was about to go down to the dungeons. I told him I wanted to clean the place, but he dangled his keys and told me it was off-limits." Nina lowered her voice as other servants joined at their table. "He had this look in his eyes, though... I wouldn't be surprised if Novak is indeed in there."

Meya bit the inside of her lip. I guess we'll find out soon. Not wanting Gail to know about their required presence at the dungeons after supper, Meya turned to her food instead.

Gail sighed. "Poor guy. I wonder what they're doing to him..."

"They? I think it's just the commander," Nina whispered.

"Why do you think that?"

Nina blushed slightly. "Just a hunch. Besides, I think people have only gone missing whilst he's been in the castle."

Gail opened her mouth to speak but closed it when Lea sat down next to her.

"Hey, girls." She smiled at Meya and Nina. "How've you two been? I seriously miss having you in our chamber."

Nina and Meya both adjusted their hair to make sure their bruises wouldn't be visible. Not wanting to involve Lea in the entire ordeal—knowing what she'd think of their apparent gossip—they just made small talk whilst they finished their meals.


Meya followed Nina towards the dungeons. Adrenaline coursed through her veins and the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Last time I was here... She shook the images of the slaver from her mind. He wouldn't ask us to do anything to Novak, would he? A chill went up her spine and she hugged herself.

They halted in front of the doors, the torch on the wall causing their shadows to dance. "Do you think he's already inside?" Nina asked.

"I don't know... He told me to wait for him."

"We could knock to be sure?" Nina turned to the door.

"Let's just wait, please." Meya felt very uncomfortable and stalling whatever was waiting for them behind that door seemed like a good thing.

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