When I entered the house I was covered from head to toe with snow. You can't blame me, the kids were good. As soon as grandma saw me she almost killed me. "Clean up at once!" she yelled. She kept muttering something under her breath. It sounded something like" snow....book....attic....no it can't be."
I had the dream once again. The exact same one. When I woke, the snow had melted. After breakfast I went up to the attic, Grandpa George asked me if I could find some of his old tools. I raided the attic not only looking for tools but for something that looked like a key. Unfortunately there wasn't anything but rusty tools and dusty old furniture.
The Secret
Fantasy' The battered old chest in the attic always looked mysterious and according to grandma hadn't seen the light since the house was built. She made me promise to never go near it again. She should have known better. '