Chapter - 21

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3rd person POV:

Wilhelm and Simon both woke up rather early, despite being up so late. They woke up around 5AM. Of course, Wille being Wille, woke Simon up because he couldnt bare not talking to someone. He knew he wouldnt be able to go back to sleep after he woke up.

It was still dark outside, so they were sitting there in the darkness. Comforting darkness. Wilhelm used to have a very big fear of the dark, not even being able to sit in a dark room for less than 20 seconds without running out crying. But, as months-- years, actually, went on, he learned to overcome his fear. Which now that he thinks of it, may be a little childish. Hes 16, but only got over his fear a couple months ago. He would never admit it out loud though.

Simon was the opposite. When he was younger, just around seven, he used to sit in the pitch black, staring at the blank wall. Listening to his parents scold eachother. But he couldnt really hear them, thanks to Sara. She always made sure to have a pair of headphones with her, because she didnt want Simon to hear what was going on. Simon didnt really think anything of it, he just liked listening to the music she would play on her iPod. He honestly thought it was just a game.

Suddenly, they heard the front door open. It wasnt some normal opening of a door though, no, like someone was breaking in. Immedietly, the two boys jumped out of bed. Simon, already feeling himself shake at the thought of what was going to happen next. "What was that?" Wilhelm whispered, hearing shuffling in the kitchen. "I--.. I dont know." Simon grabbed a hanger from his wardrobe, a metal hanger, to be precise. He started walking towards his bedroom door, until Wille grabbed his shoulder, Simon jumping back to look at him.

"What are you doing?!" "Seeing who the fuck is out there!" Wilhelm was on the urge of having a panic attack. "Linda?" A voice called, from the kitchen, Simons eyes widening. "Fuck. No." He gasped, dropping the hanger and practically sprinting out his bedroom door. Before he left, he turned to Wille, "Stay here, I will be back soon, okay?" "But--" Simon cut him off by pressing a kiss to his lips, and leaving.

Wilhelm felt so useless. It would be his fault if Simon got hurt. Or worse, killed. He walked backwards slowly, falling onto the bed. Pulling his knees to his chest and covering his ears. Everything got so loud, but it was dead silent all around him.


"What the fuck did we say about you coming back here, Micke?" Simon yelled, keeping a stern look on the drunk man in front of him. "I am your dad, you dont call me by my real name!" He slurred, pointing his finger at Simon. "Fuck off!" Sara came into the kitchen, throwing her hand up to her mouth. "How did he get in?!" She screamed, voice unstable. "Yeah, how did you get in actually?!" Micke walked closer towards Simon, backing him up into a wall. "The key--" He belched in the middle of his sentence, "Under the doormat, outside." Sara rolled her eyes, grabbing the pair of sharp kitchen scissors that were in the knife block.

Sara pushed Micke out of her way, standing in front of Simon, protecting her little brother. "Get out of my house." The three of them looked over at the doorframe, leading to Lindas bedroom. The look on her face didnt show fright, sadness, or even nervousness. Just anger. "Linda, please take me back. Im clean now." Micke smiled, reaching out his arms, walking into multiple walls on his way over towards Linda. "Get out." She pointed at the door. He frowned, standing there awkwardly. "Go to yours rooms, please." Linda looked back at Sara and Simon, Sara nodding, knowing she would get no where, even if she protested against it.

"But!--" "Simon. Please. I'll be safe, I promise." Linda smiled slightly, Simon hesitantly walked to his room, keeping his eye on Micke.


Simon walked into his room, his legs shaking of fright. Wille looked up at him, "I cant be with someone who has a druggie for a dad. Im leaving, youre on your own." He said, leaving with no hesitance or anything. Simon stood there, breaking down into sobs, just like last night. The only person he felt he could actually trust since he got here, just left him. He heard another voice ringing in his ear, he couldnt make out what it was saying, but it was loud. Really loud.


"Simon, baby wake up!"  He woke up to Wille shaking him, he noticed it was still dark outside. "Hey baby, its okay.." Simon was still sobbing, as Wilhelm held his head to his chest, stroking his damp curls. "Youre okay.. youre okay dont worry. Youre safe here, its okay... shh.." He kissed his head, worried for his boy.

After Simon calmed down, his breathing getting steadier, Wille pulled his face away to look at him. "Want to talk about it?" He asked, Simon shaking his head; 'no.' "Not right now-- Im not ready. Im sorry." Simon mumbled, Wilhelm smiling softly at him. "Thats okay, we dont have to talk about it until youre ready, baby." Simon actually found himself smiling at the nickname now. Before he used to think it was weird, and cringe. But when Wille says it, its different. He doesnt exactly know why though.

"Want to go back to sleep?" Wille mumbled after a while. "Not really.. Can you just distract me please?" He declined, not even knowing the time at this point. Simon layed his head on Willes chest as they layed down. "Of course, what do you want me to talk about?" "Anything." Instantly, Wille went on about his favorite type of sharks. Such as thresher sharks, lemon sharks, such and such. Simon listened quietly. He loved when Wille would talk about his interests. It comforted him somehow. He liked knowing more about Wilhelm, and he learned more each and every day.

Simon could sit and listen to Wille for days on end, and not get bored. Of course, he would never tell a living soul, or even admit it out loud. Even if he was alone. Simon wasnt usually like this. Wille just grew on him. Or even, created a soft spot. Thats another thing he wouldnt admit out loud.

{{1092 words}}
sorry i havent posted in a couple days, sort of busy. <3
it wasnt even meant to turn out like this, i had no idea what to write so it just turned into this 😭😭

let me know what you think so farr. <33

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2023 ⏰

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