Chapter - 6

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3rd Person POV:

Wilhelm, Felice and Sara were sitting on a bench outside their school, Simon nowhere to be seen. "Sara?" Wille asked, trying to get her attention, she looked over at him. "Wheres Simon?" "Mm.. I dont know, probably in the bathrooms or something." She shrugged, and Wille nodded. He stood up, making the two girls look at him sloghtly confused. "Where 'you going?" Felice asked, blocking the sun with her hand. "Eh-- to my locker." He lied, Felice already knowing he was lying, knowing the real answer. "Mhmm.." She smirked, Wilhelm rolling his eyes.

He walked away, heading to the bathrooms. As soon as he walked in, he knew Simon was in there. Smelling the strawberry scent of his vape. "Simon?" Wille called, hearing the bathroom stall unlock. "Hello, what do you want?" Simon muttered, walking out from the stall. Simon was sure there was nobody else in there, hes been in the bathroom for over 15 minutes. "Just- -wanted to know if youre okay." Wilhelm shrugged, "For the third time today, Im fine." Simon groaned, walking towards the taller boy.

"Okay, are you going to my room?" Simon furrowed his brows, obviously forgetting. "Why?" Wille smiled at the clueless-ness of Simon. "To sleep, like you agreed to in the library. Because its very obvious you havent had a proper sleep in a while." He pushed him jokingly, Simon rolling his eyes. "I can sleep at my own house, thank you very much." The curly haired boy smiled slightly, covering his smile with his sleeve. Even though he covered it, Wilhelm smiled, knowing he was getting somewhere.

"Nope, you already agreed. Come on, I wont watch you sleep, Im not a creep." He interlocked their pinkys, dragging Simon along behind him. They walked out the bathroom, Wille giving smiles to some people that were still in the halls.

Walking up a couple of flights of stairs, they finally got to Willes room, Simon already half asleep, using the last bit of his energy to keep himself from collapsing on the carpet in the narrow hallway. Wille opened his door, letting Simon in. "I can go if you want me to, I dont mind." Simon yawned, struggling to keep his eyes open. "Mh.. No, stay please." He mumbled, leaning his whole body on Wille.

Wilhelm was a bit-- no - he was very surprised at this action. Simon must be very clingy when hes tired, because now, he had his arms wrapped around the blonde boy, already falling asleep. "O--okay. I'll just put you into my bed, m'kay?" Wille stuttered, not really knowing what to do. He layed him gently down in his bed, untying his shoelaces and taking off his shoes. Hes made a strict policy that nobody can even sit on his bed if they had shoes on.

He covered him with the soft duvet, Simon almost instantly snuggling up inside the covers, covering half his face. "Comfy?" Wille smiled, leaning down. There was no answer from Simon though, he was already asleep. Wille stood up, sitting at his neatly organised desk. Hes done his homework, so there was nothing much to do. He didnt want to start the project with Simon either, so he just sat there on his phone. Except, he wasnt doing anything on his phone, just swiping through his homescreen, hoping for something interesting to pop up, which it didnt.

Wilhelm didnt really like the silence, so he played some music, and grabbed a plain piece of paper from a drawer attatched to his desk. He began to draw, not really knowing exactly what it was he was drawing, kind of just random shapes scattered around the page, seeing how they slowly but surely started to make a drawing. He liked shapes, they were fascinating to him.

After a while, he got bored of drawing, and spun his chair around, just to see Simon still asleep except hes changed positions since last time he checked on him. He was turned into the wall, still holding onto the blanket tightly, but also holding onto a pillow. Wille smiled, not sure why, but he smiled. Simon, for once, looked so peaceful. Not fighting, not smoking, not rolling his eyes, (🤨) just sleeping. Wilhelm knew he would be asleep for a while, since Simon said himself he hasnt slept properly in four days. He didnt mind it though. Soon, Wille started to feel his eyes become heavy, and he could barely blink without closing his eyes for about five seconds.

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