information pt1

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Well like you seen on the outside this is a dream SMP story anyways it's with my I don't think this one's inspired by a video that I've seen before I mean there might be videos on it but this one I actually haven't seen and it's my au anyway it's another techno and foolish brother kind of thing honestly I'm just going to give them a name for my stories although I think I might be kind of obvious what they're Duo name will be but anyways I'm just going to call him them either the angel duo or the God Duo anyways I like I was saying I love the hole sam and Phil parent 💡 and this does mean a couple thing thas just me I'm weird get over it but I might not say I am but I might make it one either way I'll work for me though I don't really care this one they probably won't but I'm going to go a heads up warning just in case I'm not planning on it but yeah there's a I had some just in case you're reading I do decide to make it back probably won't though then you can't say I don't want you I'm just in case I do and you're not comfortable with that here is your morning you can still leave though if you want to I still haven't decided yet anyways umm yeah if I do make them a couple there will probably be some inappropriate scenes in here eventually if I do I'm not sure yet probably won't but we'll see what happens they may not start off as a couple and then go to a couple other than we start a couple and then go tonight I don't know we'll we'll see what happens when we get into the actual story right now I'm just letting you guys know what I planned to do I might make them start off as like maybe not a couple but still kind of raise the kids together and then slowly turn them into a couple but I'm not sure we'll see what happens but yeah these are just my plan for now anyways have a good rest of your day night evening routine is wherever you live till we can live

angel (😇) where never met to fall ( Dsmp)Where stories live. Discover now