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Old McCormick had a farm! Ia ia io!


The bus finally got to the skewl and we all got off, I had 1st period with Butters and Kenny, hope I get to sit near one of them at least. I walked with Butters to our first period, he was telling me about the people in the school and who I could be friends with. For now I'm hanging out with the boys ig, hopefully I don't get a target that's actually one of my new friends. Wait till I beat up someone for trying to bully me again, I'm gonna end up having no friends again.. me and Butters got to our class, he went to sit down and I walked to the teacher, I asked her where I should sit, she told me to sit next to Butters. YES! I get to sit next to my bestie Butters 🧈 Kenny walked in and and took one look at us before smiling, you could tell he was.. He always covers his face for no reason, maybe he's too ugly to show or too pretty to show off. From the way he talks I believe he's too hot..

Kenny walked towards us and sat next to me, looks like we all sit near each other. "Hey Butters, hey pretty girl" he said, I looked at him with a 'really?' face, he chuckled and started talking to Butters about something, his chuckle was so cute though.. When everyone came in, the teacher told us to shut up, she on her period or sum? Why she so aggressive? No wonder she ugly af tbh, I could already tell she was one of the mean ones.

Time skip brought to you by 1 2 buckle my shoe

Class finally ended and me, Kenny and Butters walked together to our next class, I didn't have second period with Butters, but I did with Kenny. We dropped off Butters at his class and me and Kenny just made our way to our next class, he kept calling me sweet names and stuff. He want me fr- I heard a high pitch squeal from behind us "OMG ITS KENNY" some girl screamed, and I turned around to look who it was, I didn't know her, but a bunch of girl came running from the corner. Kenny took my hand a dragged me with him, we were running as fast as we could, the girl kept chasing us so we had to go somewhere else. When we turned a corner, Kenny opened the janitors closet and we both got in. He quickly closed the door and you could hear the girls running from outside screaming 'KENNY!' 'WHERE IS HE?' 'KENNY HONEY COME BACK' and stuff like that, I looked at Kenny still trying to catch my breath. "Bro 'breath' what was 'breath' that!" I said in between breaths. He looked at me for a few seconds catching his breath and then spoke "they're my fan girls, they always run after me every time they see me, it's pretty annoying. It's also another reason why I hide my face a lot." He said, I sighed and opened the janitors door to take a peek, they were gone. I opened the door fully and took Kenny's hand dragging him out with me. I let go of his hand after that, I think we're late for class now.. I wanna ditch school today I really don't feel like going. "We're late to class, you wanna ditch school instead of getting screamed at by the teacher?" I said "Yep, I really don't like second period so let's go ditch" he said, I smiled and he took my hand and we walked to the exit which was at the end of the hallway, we heard footsteps behind us and I quickly turned around to see who it was.

It was Cartman's fat ass, he stopped immediately when I looked at him, he looked confused, but shocked. He then did an 'O' with his mouth and then he smirked, this dude is weird asf "Kinni is that your new girlfriend~?" He said, I was confused on why he said that, then I realized I was holding Kenny's hand.. that's Kenny's fault not mine! "No-" I was cut off by Kenny "yes, this is my girl, unlike you, you don't have one because of your fat ass." He said, I looked at him shocked, he looked at me and rested his eyes. I blushed a little and looked away so he wouldn't notice. "It's not fair kinni! Can you at least not break her heart? I for once feel bad for a girl-" Cartman said, what do you mean by 'at least don't break her heart'.. IS KENNY A PLAYER?! AND I ALREADY FELL FOR HIM OMFG.. I gotta watch out now. "Trust me I won't, she's the most beautiful girl I've ever met, I could never break her heart!" He said, I quickly looked at him nervously. We made eyes contact for just 5 seconds and I looked down at my shoes, he lifted up my chin and made me look at him again "Dw just play along" he whispered to me "ok.." I whispered back. "You guys make me feel so fucking single, get outta my face fuckers." Cartman said before he turned around and went inside a classroom. I pressed my lips together and me and Kenny kept walking to the exit.

We finally got out of the school and we walked for a few minutes "you want me to show you a cool place?" Asked Kenny, I looked at him and nodded, we were still holding hands and so he started running somewhere with me, I was trying my best to keep up with him. He ran fast, but I managed to keep up by his side, I did fall behind a few steps but made my way up again. I realized I wasn't actually running as fast as I could, I saw a pond a few blocks away "Is it the pond that we're going to?" I asked him "yup" he said, I then started running faster way in front of him, I wanted to get there fast anyway. We finally got to the park, I was almost out of breath, but I managed to hide it. Kenny on the other hand was dying, he could barely breath. "You ok?" I asked, he shook his head still trying to catch his breath. He sat down on a bench that was next to us, I sat down next to him and I put my hand on his shoulder.

He looked at me for a few seconds before laying his head on my lap, I got startled by his sudden action. I made eye contact with him while he tried to calm his breathing, we did not run for that long- I saw his hand trying to reach something and I realized that he was going to grab my boob and I quickly grabbed his arm. I raised my eyebrows and rested my eyes a little making that one face. He looked away and then looked back and smiled. I couldn't get mad at him, he's too cute sometimes. I sighed and he picked up his head from my lap and sat up on the bench, I let go of his ame while he was doing that. Biggest mistake yet, he took that chance to grab my boob and actually succeeded this time, I grabbed his arm a fast as I could, but I was late, I was just a millisecond off I swear- "MCCORMICK" I yelled at him, he chuckled and squeezed my boob before pulling back his arm. This dude.

We stayed there for half an hour before going to a park nearby, he were just roaming around the town. It was getting late and I looked at my phone while we were walking down a sidewalk. 9:00 PM.. Great, dad will kill me if he hears about where I've been all day. "Dude I gotta go home, dad will kill me!" I said "you gotta go already? Aww I wanted to spend more time with you!" He said annoyed. I smile and chuckled at him, did he forget ll'l see him tomorrow or.. eh oh well. I pay his shoulder and I went on ahead "can I walk you home?" He asked "No, if dad sees you your dead" I said, he crossed his arms and looked away. "Well, bye! See ya tomorrow in school!" I yelled and ran off "BYEEE!" I heard him yell from behind me. I just kept running and I went into an isle even though I didn't know where I was going, I realized I took a wrong turn and I tried to go back but then someone grabbed me from behind and pinned me against a wall..I was about to yell, but he covered my mouth, I couldn't see who it was, but I was sure it was a man. "Shh.. no need to yell.. but I will give you something to scream about~"

Words: 1533

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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