The Party Plan

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"Straighten your back."

The youngest Lord whined, exhausted and aching from having stood like a plank of wood for hours now. No suit was good enough for his parents ideologically. So he was stuck on the podium of the tailors, feet nailed to the floor.

If his back were to straighten anymore, his spine would crack.

Lord Sirius was the first to tailor. His tailcoat black, the same as its waistcoat and trousers, and his white shirt decorated with lace jabot and cuffs.

    His younger brother looked at himself in the mirror, and wished to look just like him. But it wasn't his day. He would wear a similar attire to impress the guests, but nothing flashy to stand out above his brother.

    In all honesty, he dreaded the day that Sirius turns eighteen. Because he knows that once given the chance, he will run.

Regulus didn't think he could. If he was the last one, his parents would have him on a leash and keep him in a cage. They needed an heir, and that was his brother. And if he was gone... well... good luck to him ever getting out.

"Looking smart." Sirius appeared in front of him, looking him up and down with a smirk.

"As always."

"Boys let's go now! We have reservations at the Monèt." Their mothers voice cut into their good mood and Regulus frowned deeply.

His brother lay a hand on his shoulder, with a comforting squeeze. "It's alright. Let's just go, the Monèt has really good turnip soup, and I know you like it!"

Regulus formed a small smile, and couldn't help himself from giving a surprisingly big hug to his brother, holding him tight.

"Are you alright?" Sirius laughed and pat his back.

"Yeah... I'll just miss you." And Sirius softened.

For a while now he's thought of running away, but only ever assumed it had been a secret. Sure he wrote about it in his diary every single night, but other than that nobody knew. Not even James, who was basically a brother.

    But keeping a secret from Regulus was like keeping a bone from a dog. They'll always sniff it out.

    "Just come with me."

    And Regulus laughed. "If I could..."

    Sirius knew that all too well.

    "I'll always be here though, just remember that."

    And they broke apart, Regulus wiping his eyes with a tissue.

    They soon arrived at the Monèt with their parents and were escorted to their reserved seats in the far back. Quiet and beautiful. Red leather cushion chairs accompanied with name tags sitting on the table welcomed them, and Sirius and Regulus sat facing one another.

    Their mother and father separating them.

    "So... the ball shall start at six pm sharp, no later, no earlier." Their mother brought out her handbook.

    "Sirius, you shall enter last. Allow everyone to settle. Regulus you will greet the guests and exert yourself in the best manner. Make only the upmost impression to our guests."

    "Mandy shall serve her buffet at seven, and Sirius you shall eat separate and before the buffet."

    Sirius rolled his eyes, earning a nudge from his father and he straightened up quickly.

"Then the party will continue as normal until after midnight, around after twelve shall we pack things up."

The two brothers dreaded how late it would be. Though they weren't the ones who would have to tidy, they felt sorry for the help that would.

    They had attended their fair share of balls and knew what would be left behind. Dirty handkerchiefs, spilled red wine, lost knickers, and perhaps some expensive jewellery however.

    But the brothers always helped where they could. Quietly picking trash from the floor or wiping a table with a cloth.

    They had been wealthy all their lives. Private school. Private lessons. Private life. But the longed for something more. Something out in the open and fun. And there was no hurting in respecting the help, in contrast to their parents shan't dare lift one finger in their home.

    Lord Sirius also had a secret.

    Not even his little brother could figure it out though he knew it was there.

Maybe the ball would be the stepping stone to individuality. Open the curtain and watch the show as a puppet turns into a real boy.

How Lord Sirius would rip off his strings and run into the night. He would follow the moon and stand on the horizon singing it's praises until he became a star that could be as free as free could be.

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