Remus John Lupin

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"Thank you for agreeing to come with me. I imagine Sirius would not have a minute to spare and I would be standing all by myself for the evening."

"Oh I get it. I'm your little handbag to keep by your side when your precious Lord is occupied." A tall and strong boy by the name Remus, was lounging comfortably in the Dukes wealthy manor. His rough hands behind his head and his feet kicked up on the families satin couch. Bare arms on show that held the scars of his hard work on the farm in which he lived.

"You know what I mean! I wanted to you to come from the start, you are my friend too. Do not be so gloom." James pouted and hit the boy with a cushion.

"So how many ladies will be there? Any of them fancy a boy normally covered in pig muck?"

The young boy worked with his father who owned a farm, providing for the towns people with vegetables, fruits, and meat. Remus was a big lad for his age, towering over his father since he was thirteen. He did most of the lifting and dirty work involving the livestock.

"Maybe, you never know. These girls have probably never met such a rugged boy like yourself. You might scare them. Or seduce them." At that Remus smirked.

"And what about you? Still no interest?"

James sighed and planted himself next to Remus' feet. "No... I just do not ever see it. They only want the duke. They only see the duke. They do not see me. My title is a gold necklace and they want it around their necks. And I will never want that. I do not think I will ever meet someone that feels the same."

Remus caressed James' arm with his foot that was swiped away. "That's very sad indeed. If you're lucky a girl may not even know who you are."

"I bleeding doubt that. I shall have a row of women waiting for me to arrive, if they did not know before, they will surely know then."

The heir threw his head back, rubbing his eyes behind his glasses.

It had always been the same.

He would accompany his father to balls and his mother would push him onto the dance floor to find a pretty girls hand. The conversation would go as:

"So you are the heir to the duke?"

"Yes I am."

"And what would that mean for me?"

And then James would dance with the girl until the song was over and he could venture back to whichever hiding spot he had made his the second he arrived.

"Hey! Maybe you could pretend to be me?" He sprung up and grabbed Remus' leg with a grin.

"Oh sure! Me and your dad look plenty alike don't we? His strong and handsome face, which is much darken than my own. And me, so very clearly white I could pass off as a piece of paper. You're so clever James how did you come up with that idea?"

And James fell back again. "Just a suggestion..."

"Yeah a stupid one."

"Boys!" Euphemia, the Duchess called and Remus swung his feet off the couch as quick as lightning and sat up straight.

She entered the room wearing a blue gown and matching sapphire pendant earrings. "There you are! The carriage is ready and is set to go any minute now. Come on!"

    The boys had already dressed. James in a red tailcoat on top of his black suit. Remus had borrowed one of the dukes. A blue suit and frilled white shirt that itched his chest. Only the Duke has a size big enough for him. James' would have been just a bit too tight and he may have burst out of it. Though James was also of a large build.

    So the two raced to the carriage with Remus winning due to his long legs, and burst in to find The Duke, who's formal name was Fleamont, already waiting.

    "Oh! Sorry for the abrupt intrusion your Grace." He blushed red and bowed as the older man laughed.

    "Nonsense! You keep beating him I shall have to change you to be my heir!"

    "James did think I could pass as your son." Once James entered he rolled his eyes.

    "Oh yes. We do look rather alike don't we?"

    "Certainly!" Now while the two made fun of the heir, the duchess, Euphemia,  crawled in by the help of her sons hand, and commanded the coachman to start the horses.

    "It was very kind of your father to allow you to come Remus. We are all very glad you could accompany us." The Duke smiled at the tall boy who's head was close to the roof.

    "I would not have missed it." James snickered as the change in Remus' deep welsh accent had switched to a much more sophisticated and soft manner in front of his parents.

    "Remind me what your father does for work? I am aware of a farm but not much else."

    "We sell to the towns people. Veg, fruit, and meat for them to eat, and we also sell to the shops and make profit."

    "And what does your work include? I hear it is rather messy." The Duchess asked a little squeamish.

    "The heavy lifting of course."

    "Clearly." Euphemia giggled, and James scowled.

    "He will have the ladies swinging on those arms once the ball commences!" Fleamont laughed.

    While James sulked in his corner, his arms folded.

    Euphemia tutted and scolded him. "Now James we are being polite to our guest! We know you are a strong boy too!" Patting his knee and the boy sat up feeling better.

    "James will meet a lovely girl. I can feel it." Remus commented, looking at his friend who was probably the most handsome in all the land.

    His skin a warm russet with dark eyebrows and hazel eyes behind his glasses. A strong jaw and arms that his father would love to have on the farm. And the voice of silk and honey that soothed you in your bad days.

    Remus missed that voice when he was away.

    This ball would be great and he knew it. Talking and playing around with James while being surrounded by beautiful ladies.

    Maybe some other beautiful things too.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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