Argument chapter 1

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Danny and Baez had a tough case. they were trying to find. a serial killer. their mains suspect was a doorman that was.    there at night while eating fast food.  Danny what do we got on the night at the museum. guy Baez   he's a doorman. Danny not a night guard Danny   some thing 

they both guard and night guard   it's right. there in the name Baez smiles.    Danny this food's good Baez I know. he took a bite of the chicken he immediately. went for the water bottle on his desk Danny too.    spicy Baez it's not. that spicy takes a bite from hers see it's fine Jamie maybe it's just the one you ate Danny where'd you come from Baez he's been behind me the whole time Danny is it spicy to you Jamie takes a bite oh god give me your water I think they dipped it in chili sauce time skip Danny I got an idea   Baez you called Maggie Danny no. yes Baez why is it you call her  for    every difficult  case  Danny I don't  Baez yeah you do every time you think  we can't do it  Danny  I only call her when I need help  Baez or wherever  you can't bother to ask the  that sits across the desk from  you every day  Danny  Baez     she walked off tears in her eyes pissed  her partner even though she wished   he was more than a partner.

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