Chapter 4: The Horrible Truth

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Chapter 4

I was having a panic attack. My heart kept contracting and my lungs felt heavy.

Maybe it was because Marco was seething and cursing or maybe it's because of Bane's blank expression towards by small group.

"Are you okay?" Came Bane's calm yet deep voice.

We were currently inside a classroom. A starstruck Owen who still hasn't moved from his spot, pacing and angry Marco, Bane who was ignoring the two ludicrous boys and me. Hyperventilating me.

I don't know why I'm panicking but something about having an Alpha amidst a small group of rogues made me nervous.

It was different when I was alone with Bane.

When I was with him everything else didn't matter but now that there's an enraged Marco and a mute Owen I kinda of wished I was somewhere else.

"Of course she's okay." Marco snapped at him as he came over to me to check on me.

Marco didn't like packs. He loathed them. He hated the heiarchy of Alphas. The extra power they had for being one. It bothered him to no end. Having me close to an Alpha was eating him up.

I shoot Marco a glare that I hoped he would read as 'shut up before he snaps your neck with his pinkie finger'

The Alpha looks toward Marco amused for some reason. "Your boyfriend needs to learn his place."

I roll my eyes at this. Most people think Marco and I are together. We weren't. Not even. "He's not my-"

Marco covers my mouth shut. "Avery, let's go."

Bane takes hold of my shoulders. "Stay here."

"Why?" Marco challenged facing Bane.

I wonder why Bane is allowing Marco to talk to him like this. Bane is known for having a short temper but now he just looks amused and a little bit irritated. Not 'I'm gonna kill your whole population' which I predicted.

"I can take care of Avery." Bane said in a very low voice. My heart skipped a beat again.

Why was he like this? Could Bane Cohen be my mate? Or did he just want to pick on me?

Marco's face hardened. "Avery is my responsibility." He spat pulling me away from Bane. "She lives in my house not yours."

Bane snapped. Something inside him snapped. I could feel it. The way his body visibly stiffens and how his jaw, his perfectly sculpted jaw, locks like he was trying to hold himself together.

His bright silver eyes suddenly turned black. A soulless piss worthy black.

He scared me.

Bane always looked intimidating but in the short time that I've known him he's always been sweet and never scary.

Never this.

He looked like he was already conjuring ways on how to kill Marco and it scared me.

Even Marco found himself backing away.

I grabbed for Marco but Bane's eyes flickers to me. "Don't." He commanded in his Alpha voice.

He didn't sound like him anymore. It was like a giant monster was talking.

This was the real Alpha Bane Cohen. The most powerful man in the world.

Bane was breathing hard. He was trying to calm himself.

I'm sure he saw how terrified I was.

Owen had probably already pissed himself.

Not knowing what I was doing, I walked towards the shaking Alpha.

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