Farewell Special Ep 3: Best friend's Promise

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MS: So, dad. This orb thingy will make whatever of my dream come true?

Hector: Exactly. 

MS put on the mind connector. 

MS: I wish to get a million dollar.

The robot starts turning materies into pieces of money, and eventually stack of money. 

Hector: Now, take it off. It is not completed yet. It might have side effects.

MS: Woah. You can't take this away from me. Now, I can have whatever I want. I wish you're locked up. 

Hector: Wait. 

A swarm of tiny robit instantly build an iron cage around hector. 

MS: sorry, Hector. Got to to go. I have more wishes to make. 

Hector: Shelbourne, come back!

Meanwhile, back at the boat. Sam looks at various photos of her, Flint and other Swallow fallians. She hugged them tightly. 

Sam: I will come back, Flint. I will be the best weather reporter in the world, just you wait. 

Suddenly, she heard a loud explosion coming from swallow fall. 

Ship owner: Woah, did anyone hear that?

Sam went to the back of the boat, concerning about Flint, Tim and other Swallow fallians

Sam's mother: Well, We're just dodge a bullet.

Sam: Tell the ship to turn back! Those people are in danger.

Sam's mother: It's must be your friend' invention again. 

Sam: No. This is different. 

Sam uses a telescope. She saw people are attacked by swarms of robot.

Cut back to Flint

Flint: Why do these robots start attacking the townspeople? Oh no, Hector and Mayor Shelbourne!

MS appears

MS: I wish you to dance forver. 

Old rick: Woah.. old rick's back can't dance anymore. 

The swarm of robot move old rick in a dance move from when it was the 80s.

Flint: Mayor Shelbourne? That's my wish machine!

MS: Ooooh. Not anymore. With this invention, everyone will obey me. 

Flint: I will stop you. 

MS: How?

Flint: With this blaster…

Flint hand out memory eraser, which doesn't do anything

Flint: I don't have any invention with me right now, but I'll invent something quick!

MS: Then, Sorry. I wish you were stopped.

The swarm of robots force Flint to lay down. No matter how Flint moved, the robots pressed him down.

MS: Moving on. 

Flint: Got to move. Must stop Mayor Shelbourne from destroying the city! If only Sam was here!

Flint try to grab a phone from his pocket, but he can't. 

Sam: Flint!

Flint: Sam? What are you doing here?

Sam: I'll come back for you and the other.

Flint: But, how? The boat were leaving pretty far away. 

Sam: I used the weather changer to fly from the boat to the dock.

Cloudy with Chance of meatballs: TV series: Farewell SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now