Dreaming of a brown-haired boy

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I trekked through the maze, the mud oozing through my toes. Disgusting. How did I get here? I don't know. All I know is that I must get out. Something wasn't right about this maze - it showed me things I didn't want to see. My parents' divorce. Wilf cheating. Jack with Connor. My knife...

Suddenly the knife appeared on front of me, forcing me to stop. Now I knew what I had to do to relieve the pain of the past.

I reached for the knife, but someone else grabbed it too. I looked up to see a handsome, brown-haired boy.
"Don't do it," he said, "You're too beautiful to." My heart melted as I looked into his eyes and the knife clattered to the floor.
"Ok," I whispered. A smile grew on his face as he pushed me backwards, then I was falling and he was shouting until...

I sat up. It was a dream. I rushed into the bathroom, grabbing the knife and tossing it out the window.
"Never again," I whispered.

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