My Asian Family: Asian Dialogs

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Case 7

Asian Dialogs

Disappointed chinese: "Haiya!"

Disappointed South Indian: "Ayyo!!"


*In my school*

*When the class room is too noisy*

Teacher: "Is this a classroom or a fish market?"

Inner me: "What do you think?"


Teacher: "Now, it's time to answer the questions.."

Everyone in the class:

Everyone in the class:

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"Ah.. quite sunny.." ( just kidding )


*Teacher enters the class*

*All the children stand*

3-4 children: "Good morning teacher.."

Teacher: "UH.. Didn't you people have breakfast today??? Once again.. loudly.. please.."

Children: "Gooooooood Mooorrrrrnninnnnnggggggg Teeaaaaacheeeeeerrrr..."

Teacher: "Uh.. why do you drag it so long.. repEaT!!"

Children: "Good morning teacher!"

Teacher: *irritated* "Um... slightly better.. sit down.."



*Teacher when she is in a bad mood*

*Teacher enters the class*

*Bangs books on the table*

*Looks at children*

Teacher: "Uh.. Did I gave any homework??.. the previous day???"

Children: "No, ma'am.."

Teacher: *sigh* "Ohh.. No problem! I'll give it today.. And todAY!.. I'll be asking a few questions and the one who fails to answer must write the whole lesson twice in your rough boOK.."

Teacher's question be like:

*Everyone gets the punishment*

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*Everyone gets the punishment*

*Teacher gives 5 homework questions with 10 sub-questions..*

*Bell rings*

Teacher: "Okay.. I think it's enough for today.. in the next class I want to see your homework questions with answers.. or else be ready to solve the previous question on the board the next class.. Thank yoU!"

*Teacher leaves the classroom*



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*Asian mindset*

Bees make honey :)

A's make money :,)


"Dad! I want to be an actor!"

"No dear! It's pronounced doctor.."


Normal Grading System

A- Excellent

B- Above Average

C- Average

D-Below Average

F- Fail

Asian Grading System

A- Average

B- Below Average

C- Can't have dinner

D- Don't come home

F- Find a new family


Newton's fourth law explained by an Asian be like:

"Every book continues to be in the state of rest and covered with dust until and unless an internal or an external exam appears and speed of the page turning is directly proportional to the syllabus to be covered and tension in mind remains constant.

Equation: Page turning ∝ syllabus covered


"You got B??"

"You are not a Bsian.. you are an Asian!!!"



"Mom.. I'm going out"

America: "see you!!"

France: "au revoir!!"

Spain: "adios!"

UK: "Bye!!

Asian: "Where? Out?? With whom? Why? Who'll drop you?? When will you come back? EveryDaY OUT OUT OUT!! How much money will you spend?? No time for parents.. only going out.. when I die, then you'll know!!!"


White person: "Where are you from?"

He: "Hong Kong"

Inner he: "Don't say it.... please.. please.. just.. don't say it..."

White person: "Iam learning Mandarin.. Ni hao ma!!"


What's an Asian without A's??



That was all for today!! Thank you! Have a great day!! =)

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