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The young boy sat in the large chair as the doctor explains a very difficult situation to his parents , he glanced to the side and wat hing his twin sister play outside with the flowers . He over heard the words " not possible " and " don't get your hopes up" , the boy curiously looked to his parents who seemed devastated to hear those words.  The doctor then crouched infront of him and gave a sad sympathetic smile " stay healthy Diante "

Diante frowned , still not realizing what the situation revolved around . His parents took him home , that night he laid in bed unable to fall asleep , he overheard his parents talking but couldn't make any clear sentences so he climbed out his bed and found his way closer to the living room where they sat and discuss what the doctor had said . " I can't believe did this happen ?" His mother cried , his father sighed as he sipped his beverage " its not from my side of the family "

His mother took immediate offense " you're saying it's from mine ?!"

The father immediate defended himself " of course not dear , these things happen and we have no control over it "

His mother sighed " I can't believe Diante won't be able to become a shinobi...he will have to find a job and work daily wages ...without chakra you don't stand a chance in this world . He will be helpless all his life ..."

" Sakura seems to have remarkable control of her chakra , the Haruno clan will continue strongly with her "  , those last words hurt Diante in so many ways . He went back up to his room but there was no way he could fall asleep . He glanced to his window and saw white flakes falling from the sky , it began to snow .

Frustrated,  Diante got dressed and snuck out his room , he wondered the streets for abit before noticing a beautiful girl around his age sitting in the snow and crying .

" you'll get cold like that ya'know " he stated , the girl looked up at him , tear drops falling down her cheeks . He walked closer and crouched " you'll get a cold like this . You should go home before your parents get upset with you "

The girl slowly stood and dusted her knees , Diante walked her to her home in the dead silence,  when they reached the Hyuga estate he stopped and turned around " today is my birthday...and I was told I'm sick with something that can't be fixed . They said I'll never be a ninja . But I won't let that stop me , I'll find a way to be a ninja and I'll show them , all of them , that you can be different and still be strong " he stated with a fire in his eye .

The girl nodded at him , surprised and inspired by his words . She walked to the door and grabbed the handle before stopping and looking back at him " h-happt birthday" , her voice was soft like a whisper but the boy definitely heard it . He smiled and waved as she went inside , he turned and looked to the sky feeling determined to prove his parents wrong , to prove the doctors wrong and become a legendary shinobi like the 3 Sanin. 

((A/N: please vote if you prefer this point of view from 3rd view like a story being told to you or if you'd prefer 1st person view from Diante like it's you that is narrating. ))

Diante visual :

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