😼Surprise Bitches!😼

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"It feels like the Dark Mirror is tired of everyone's bullshit... Mostly the crow wannabe's bullshit and 'graciousness'... Graciousness my ass!!"

~3rd POV~

"I MOST CERTAINLY DID NOT!" The crow exclaimed as he dramatically flung the door open. He looks offended... Following him was a (very) short 'boy' carrying a sleeping cat. The 'boy' was glaring holes at the back of the headmaster's head.

The people then looked at the 'boy' and thought that 'he' will be sorted in Pomefoire because of 'his' feminine looking face. 'FUCK YOU CROWLEY!!! I HATE HAVING THE ATTENTION ON ME FOOL!!!' The girl panicked inside but did not show it. Anger bubbling inside her.

"Speak of the devil..." The redhead said as he was looking at the boy. To say he was a little bit happy because there is someone shorter than him. But, he needs to teach 'him' the rules if 'he' gets sorted into his dorm.

The brunette beastman was looking at the 'boy' with disinterest in his eyes. 'Tch... That herbivore looks weak.'

'Fufufu... Another poor unfortunate soul.' A glasses male thought. A shady smirk plastered on his lips. Watching the every move of the poor 'boy'.

'Ooh! Another new friend! I hope he gets sorted to Scarabia! I prepared a welcome feast for all the new students! I hope he joins!' A red eyed male energetically thought.

'That potato will be the perfect poison apple to beat him. When he will get sorted in Pomefoire, he will endure strict training.' A handsome male thought as he stictly looked at the unsuspecting student.

'Eeeekkk! I hope I will never get to meet him... His glare is so scary...' The boy controlling the tablet thought of what will happen if they cross paths. What the poor boy didn't know is that they will be meeting soon...

As with the 'boy'... Let's say 'he' was not very pleased with the headmaster. She was never pleased with the crow from the very beginning. But this time, it was beyond words to explain. To put it simple, she's planning a murder in her head.

The people watched the 'boy' go behind the headmaster and kicked his ass. The bird fell face first on the floor. I think he kissed the floor...

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up. BIRD!!! You're so fucking LOUD!! Do you want my child to wake up?!" 'He' scolded the (irresponsible) headmaster for the second time. The bird wondered when will 'he' stop scolding and abusing him. What the crow didn't know was that this was the start of it...

The others who saw the scene either snickered at the crow's demise or thought that he deserved it. He really deserved it! For making the MC do his fucking job. The crow is a very cheap bitch that lets the students do the work.

"*Ahem* If you all must know, I was searching for the new student who failed to show up for orientation." The crow told them. "EXCUSE ME!! It's your fault for forgetting to open my fucking coffin!" The 'boy' corrected the headmaster who chose not to listen to the 'boy's' comments.

He them faced the 'male' "You are the only one who hasn't been assigned a dorm yet. Please step up to the Dark Mirror and be quick about it." He gently pushed the 'boy' forward. "Don't worry, I'll watch your... Weasel."

She hesitantly gave her beloved son to the irresponsible headmaster. But, not before whispering a warning to him. "If you will hurt a SINGLE hair on his body... You will face my WRATH..."  Each word the girl spoke, it was laced with pure venom for Crowley. A matching glare was plastered on her face. The bird was scared for his precious life! How dare 'he' threaten the one and only 'gracious' headmaster of NRC! The birb thought.

She then walked towards the Dark Mirror. But, not before slapping Crowley with the sleeve of the robe for the second time today. She then stopped in front of the mirror, eyeing it up and down with a raised brow and disinterested look on her face. A mask then appeared in the mirror with green flames surrounding.

"State your name."

The mirror demanded.

"Kufufu~" the girl giggled as she did a courtsey. "I can't give you my real name... But, please call me Author~" The mirror widened its... Sockets? And began to speak.

"Author, the nature of your soul is..."

Everyone was on the tip of their seats, waiting for the Dark Mirror's judgement like it was some kind of trial.

"Don't keep us in suspense already-!!"

An impatient member of the crowd yelled, but shut up when he felt the housewardens' glares in him. They too want to know what is the Dark Mirror's judgment. But, they have enough patience to wait.


With that word said, everyone was confused about why did the Dark Mirror stated that. The bird decided to inquire more about it. "What did you say...?" He was in utter shock.

"I sense no magic coming from this soul. Shapeless. Colorless. Soundless..."

The mirror stated which made the people present there in utter shock from the mirror's revelation. A pin drop can be heared in the room because of how silent everyone in. 'So fucking rude~' The mentioned student thought while slightly pouting. The mirror continued what it was saying.

"But... This soul is special..."

The birb was beyond confused. "What do you mean?"

"This soul is a polite flower... Graceful in all her actions... But hides something from the world... Emotions that she wants nobody to see... This soul is here for a purpose, it is her fate..."

The whole room was dead silent. Then, murmurs started to spread between the students.

"What does the Dark Mirror mean..."

"That student is mysterious for sure..."

While the students were mumbling about her, a train of thoughts crashed into her mind.

'What the fuck does it mean??!! Fate?! PURPOSE?! I know for SURE that THIS fucking mirror is TOTALLY spitting LIES about ME!! But isn't wrong at the same time... Fuck my luck...' She was having an arguement in her head. "Fuck this shit..." Not minding the one student who pointed out a crucial fact.


Everyone was surprised by that fact. Crowley then appeared behind the conflicted girl and pulled down the hood of her robe. She shook her head and looked at the crowd behind her.

"Surprise bitches~"

Twisted Secrets

• The crow's torture won't stop soon...

• The girl wanted to kick the Dark Mirror.

• Some of the housewardens were angry at Author for harming the headmaster, while the others thought he deserved it.

• What the Dark Mirror said was a half truth and half lie in Author's point of view. But doesn't want to expose that.

• Author doesn't tell her nickname to strangers. So, that's why she introduced herself as "Author".

• What does the Dark Mirror mean?

Published: 04/25/2023

Status: Unedited

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