I promise

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3rd person pov

Around an hour later, dabi woke up completely naked with slap and bite marks, along with hickeys all over him. Dried blood on his neck and chest, messed up hair and a few staples missing on his stomach and face. Flashbacks flooded his mind as he tried to stand, using the help of the wall. He lazily put his pants on, but his shirt was tore in two. He just zipped his jacket up and lifted the collar up to cover his neck. He started walking to the meeting place for new recruits, since it was already time to meet. He was exhausted and about to break down, but he couldn't cry real tears. Only blood.

He met up with the young recruits, who were nothing but talk. He burnt them to death without hesitation after only five minutes of hearing them babble. He was annoyed. Extremely annoyed. He started limping in the direction he came from, going back home to the league.


It's midnight. He could've gotten home quicker if it weren't for the limping, flashbacks and pain. He was a villain, but what this man did to him was absolutely disgusting. He gets home and kurogiri notices him limping while coming back home.

"Dabi? Are you okay? Were the recruits any good?" The mist person asked, with a tone filled with concern.

"I'm fine.. no. I burnt them to death. They were all talk. I'm going to my room.." he replied, limping back to his and hawks's room. Hawks was peacefully sleeping. Dabi slipped long pj pants and a big hoodie that covered up his neck, arms and chest perfectly. He fell into bed and immediately fell asleep.

Another timeskip, in the morning at 8am

Hawks, for once, woke up first. From dabi's position, he could tell he was missing two staples on his face and could see a little dried blood on his neck. He immediately panicked and shook dabi awake.

"Dabi! Dabi damnit, wake up! Are you okay?! Please, wake up. What happened..?" He whisper-yelled, still shaking dabi who woke up.

"H-hawks.. i- how do.. you know that something happened..?"

"I just do! There's dried blood, hickeys and bite marks on your neck and probably elsewhere! Along with your missing face staples! Please.. tell me."

"A.. a guy.. uh.."

"A guy did what? I'll kill that bastard!"

"It's against hero code to kill.. he r-raped me."

"I don't give a flying shit about hero code and quitting that shit anyway! He what?! What. Did. He. Look. Like?" Hawks said in a threatening, passive aggressive tone.

"Like shit. Short dark hair, an ugly moustache, shaved beard and dark clothes.. he was immune to my fire.. I'm sorry.. I wanted my first time with you.."

"This isn't your first time! You're still a virgin. It's rape, it doesn't take your virginity. You WILL have your first time with me. I promise. C'mon, let's get you cleaned up, alright? I'll clean you, I'll be gentle. You dont have the strength in you right now. Let me carry you to my home."

Hawks picked the other up tightly in his arms and flew at full speed to his house, without wasting a second. Luckily, this time he didn't see any fans or crash into a glass window. He opened the door and placed dabi in the bathtub.

"You can undress yourself and just place a towel on the place where the sun dont shine."

Dabi nodded before doing exactly that. Hawks started running warm water and gently scrubbed the blood off Dabi who flinched in pain at his bite marks being touched. The ash blonde calmed him down and washed the others messy, soft hair. He admired it, but now wasn't the moment to start something. Even though he was ready, dabi wasn't anymore. Not after what had just happened.

Hawks finished bathing dabi and turned around, handing the scarred boy a soft towel, a pair of boxers with mini chibi pictures of hawks on them, dark black shorts and a huge white t shirt so that he could change.

"Thank you birdie.." he put the clothes on after drying himself, he used the soft towel to rub his hair and tapped hawks on the shoulder to signal he could turn to him.

Hawks turned to him and softly smiled.

"You wanna stay here for a little or go back to the league? I've gotta leave for two hours at 4pm though. You can call kurogiri and tell them that we're at my place." He said gently.

"Yea.. stay here. I'll call kurogiri.." dabi started dialing the mists number on his untrackable phone. The other immediately answered, their voice was coated in fear and concern.

"Dabi ? Are you okay?! Why aren't you home?!"

"I'm okay, I'll explain later tonight. I'm at feathers place for the day." He hung up before kurogiri had the chance to react.

"It's done.. can I go sleep? I'm exhausted.. mentally and physically."

"Yea, of course. You can look around my room too if you want anything else, I'll be taking a super long bath because I'm probably stinky as hell."

Hawks pointed to his room and dabi went in, closing the door fully behind him. He did look around, he looked through the drawers and one caught his eye. He opened it. Bad. Idea. There was a case of razor and pencil sharpener blades, bloody tissues.. and a suicide note. Not only one, but around five. His heart sunk. Hawks was suffering like this but still had a huge ear to ear grin on his face? He was still caring for others but not for himself? 'heroes are selfish' his ass.

Dabi pov

What did I just find..? The poor bird.. what if the whole reason he didn't wanna have sex was because of scars and cuts?? I should close this drawer.. I don't wanna invade his privacy.. but I can't stop myself from wanting to try out this 'self harm' coping mechanism. It seems to work.. hawks being proof of that, self harming but always having a huge smile plastered on his face. One time wont hurt, right? Just once. It won't become an addiction, no-one will know. It's fine, I can quit at any time.

Word count: 1050

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