The Soul Mate (Teaser)

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"Hold my hand," Khloe says as she reaches for Michaels hand, "this is so creepy."

"It's just a movie! But okay baby." Michael says.

As I watch the two lovebirds laying on the floor watching the horror movie, I can't help think that I want something as precious as what the two of them share. I haven't had a boyfriend since the tragic breakup between me and my ex-boyfriend Cameron. We were so close and unseperable when suddenly Cameron dumps me for the head cheerleader, Grace. She is perfect for him, better than I ever was, and yet I know that I am better off without him, it still breaks my heart into a million tiny pieces just thinking about the fact that he is with someone else. The lips that I used to kiss, the hand that I used to hold, the eyes that I used to gaze into and fall in love with all over again, all of those things are part of the guy that the head cheerleader is now with. But it's fine. I deserve more respect than what that jerk could have ever give me.  I may not ever be as happy as I was with him but I know that I will find someone that will care enough about me.  

"Tia, are you okay," Khloes asks me, "you seem a little distracted."

"Yeah but you know what, I don't want to be a third wheel, I think I'm just going to head home.  Thanks for having me though, see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I'll meet you at the tree."

The tree was a place special to me and Khloe, if you haven't noticed Khloe is my best friend, and since she only lives two courts away from me, we found this tree about a five minute walk from my house and a 10 minute walk from Khloe's.  Since I'm feeling so down about my stupid non-active love life I think I'll just head to the tree now.  It's only 9:30 and Mom doesn't expect me home until 10.  Sadly it is pretty dark but I know my way around.  

"Bye Mrs. Jean!"  I yell upstairs to Khloe's mom. 

I shut the front door and head up the driveway past the scarecrow with the plastic pitch fork and the scarecrow with the pink sequenced purse.  Khloe added the purse.  As I'm walking past the cars and through the street, some maniac in a red Mustang comes flying down the road.  I have to sprint for my life, it's so dark, they don't even see me.

"What the heck!?  Idiot!"  I yell past the car.

I get a quick glimpse of the man in the car and even in that second I look at him, I get chills down my spine.  He has a scar down the whole left side of his face and he gave me the deadliest look anyone has ever given me.  I suddenly start walking extremely fast, almost sprinting up the court.  As I approach the end of the court I head left, debating whether I should go home or still go to the tree.  It's so dark I am having trouble seeing the street signs, I think I just passed Sullivan Place which is the court right before mine.  I think I'm just going to go home, I don't want to go to the tree anymore, this man has me all worked up now and I just want to go home.  While I'm walking, I feel like I should try to keep my mind distracted only because I know if I let my mind wander it will fall back to the fact that I don't have a boyfriend and... I stop walking.

"Wait.  Where am I?"  I say outloud to myself.

I think I passed my house during my life reflection and now I am clueless to where I am.  I reach for my cell phone which I then realize that I left on Khloe's kitchen table.  I am getting freaked out just because I have no idea where I am and I have no way to contact anyone.  It is pitch black and I am beginning to wonder why all of this crap has to keep happening to me.  I decide just to sit down.  I sit under a few trees and I just think.  I don't know what I am going to do.  It is probably almost 10:00 and if I am not home soon my mother is going to flip out.  My mom currently has a lot of anxiety in her life. My dad left her when he found out that she was pregnant with me.  That had almost officially scarred her of men, until she met Anthony Brentwood.  He was the real love of her life.  She met him on my birthday when I was turning 8, July 27th, 2002.  We had gone out to eat, just me and her for my birthday.  He was at the table next to us and he was alone.  My mother, being the type of person that she is, began to talk to him.  At first they were just talking about crap like the old TV show "Friends" and about the music that the restraunt was playing.  Then mother says, "Now I hate to be too forward but why would a very attractive and kind man like you be sitting alone at a fancy restraunt like this."

Then Anthony told us, "I have never been a very social person and I am going through a lot right now and I just needed time away.  Away from everyone I know.  Away from everyone who just wants an answer to all of the questions that I honestly can't answer.  You see, my son, Thomas, he is missing.  He ran away from home two and a half weeks ago and I have no idea why.  Everyone wants to know everything that happened that night and everything that had been recently going on but I just don't have the answers that they are expecting.  Everything seemed perfectly fine!  Then the next morning, he was gone."

Mother had been very moved by this story.  She met with Anthony every day for months trying to help him find Thomas.  They never found him.  Thomas was one year older then me, so when he went missing he was a very young child who would not be able to handle himself on his own.  After an entire 4 years of searching for him, there was never a single clue of what had happened to him.  I always wanted to have met him.  By the stories that Anthony told Mother, he seemed like a terrific guy.  Somewhere along the way Mother and Anthony fell in love.  They began dating on January 4th, 2003, they have been together ever since.  They were engaged and had set a wedding date, September 15th but on June 18th, 2012, Anthony died.  He had a severe heartattack.  Ever since Mother has been very depressed and upset.


"What the heck!"  I scream as I jump up from the ground and begin to freak out.  Someone is out there.  Someone is near me.  Someone sees me.  And someone is freaking me out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2013 ⏰

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