a/n The story is in Ryneas pov until it says so.
++++++++++++Flasback 1 week ago+++++++++++++++++
"You got it congradulations. Your first interview will be next week.", " Thank you so much i said as i shook Mr .Coles hand then walked out of the door.
++++++++++++Present time++++++++++++++++++++++++
Im so nervous what if they dont like me, or get bored of me. ok calm down Rynea, ur just interviewing people not singing. I was talking to myself when Mr.Coles walked in " Ok Rynea ur interviewees are the boys from Mindless Behavior" Im trying so hard not to go crazy cause their my fav boyband. Im soooooo excited.
a/n Im sorry its short and picturless right now but i got my phone tooken away i hope you turtles enjoy the story so far even though its nothing