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After about half an hour of just sitting there tysanna just jumped up

Tysanna: we should play would u rather or truth or dare

All: yeah that's cool ig

They all sat down in a circle after deciding to play truth or dare. Rynea went first

Rynea: hmmmmm OK um princess truth or dare

Princess: truth

Rynea: is it true u r bi

Princess: that's the most stupidest question ever but yeah I am OK ray ray truth or dare

Ray: dare ig

Princess: I dare u to go in the closet with atasiah for about 15 minutes and do whatever I guess

Ray: OK sure * grabs atasiahs hand and brings her to closet and closes door behind him winking *

15 minutes later of boring truths or dares they come out and atasiahs hair is all messes up but she fixes it wonder what happened in there * wink wink *

****Skips rest of game cause nothing happens hahaha******

After they ate and everyone was full rynea just randomly screamed scaring everybody


Ray: I guess we r sleeping over then lol

After that's said everyone finds a place to sleep and soon does haha.


Srry it sucks I'm not good at wring these type of stories but I'm good at writing dirty imagines and stuff like that so if u want me to write some just comment, vote, or private message me Kk

- Swagalicousbae13

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2015 ⏰

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