Chapter 4

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 My eyes were blurry from the dust after I have been shot at from the sky. I couldn't believe who I was seeing. 

"Starscream.. but you-" 

"Got thrown off the warship with no wings at all and fell to my death! HA! That's what everyone thinks" 

I try to get up but he tased me making me fall unconscious 

"Let's get you comfortable for your remaining miserable life somewhere else" 

Starscream carried darbie back to his hideout which wasn't too far away from where he capture her at. As he carries her and walks away he looks at her features. The way her face was captured in the sunlight, the way her delicacy body was, the way she look sleeping. 

He thought to himself  'How can something so angelic like this be in a war like this'  As he got to his hideout he gently lay her down on his bed and caress her face 

"Well well Starscream actually did it" 

He turned around and saw Elita standing there 

"Elita of course I told you I would" as he gave the attitude she was expecting. She giggled and smiled "This is why Megatron loves messing with you because of how defensive you get." She walks up to him inches away from his lips "Which is very hot" As they stare into each other Starscream moves away "Your charms don't work on me, Elita. Now what do we do now that we have her?" Elita looks at her and smiles "We will send off a beacon to let both sides know that there is something that we have that they both want" Starscream looks at Darbie "And what about us?" Elita looks at him with stupidity on her face "We will finish this war and we will take full control destroy this planet and recreate our planet" Starscream nodded and walked away going to do the work that they planned

Elita was left alone with Darbie's vulnerable self. She looks at her walks up to her

"So this is actually what you look like up close huh?" She looks at her and then back at herself in the mirror that was in front of her. "We do look a lot like each other no wonder why you got my lovers in love with you" She giggles and walks away towards the doorway to see Starscream setting off the beacon. "You know something I was in your shoes once Darbie and my advice to you.." She turns back to darbie "Is to run let them kill each other maybe that's how you'll end this war that I started!" She laughs and starts to walk out "Or maybe you should just be with the dark lord himself well I mean your husband and give him his heir and I could easily play you and be with Optimus Prime my one and true love and give him his children and fight against you and say how does it feel being the damn devil's wife!" She laughs harshly and shuts the door locking darbie inside "We shall see how this goes precious darbie" She looks at darbie through the door and gives this sadden-eye look and walks away while darbie sleepless body is still down. 

"knockout what do I do if it's an Autobot" 

"Then you fired at them idiots" Knockout shakes his head to an idiotic question from one of his backup recruits. As they get closer to the signal Knockout wonders 'What did Megatron mean when he said it wasn't the first time? What if we find our queen? Why do I feel like I am missing someone in my life? Primus show me please what is that I am missing here' As he looks up to the sky as prays he hears one of the recruits "Knockout we found something" Tracks on where something big happened and Energon meaning someone is hurt or better yet dead. "Let's pursue it" As I kept following the tracks as the amount of Energon got worse into the trail I noticed the Energon was a different color than ours " Knockout isn't this-" I cut him off  "Yes, so be ready" We reached crashed warship as I told the others to wait til my command I walked in looking high and low. I felt as if I was being watched 

"Hello" I heard someone laughing and it sounded so familiar 

"So now I am out of the picture Megatron puts you in the second of command" 

"Starscream?! But how?" 

"No time for explaining that now" Knockout turns and sees Elita but thinks it is his queen 


"Haha wow, I still have everyone fooled around here, and poor you. don't even know the real truth do you dear"  Elita gets close to Knockout and puts her hand on his chest and gently rubs it across his chest. 

"The evil is still in you I thought you die too" 

"hmm nope shocker once again Elita can not be killed" 

"What is it that you want Elita" 

"It's not what we want it's what we have that you want" Starscream points toward the door 

Knockout walks to the door peaks through the window of the door and sees Darbie laying there out cold. 

"What did you do to her?" 

"Honey nothing we just had to knock her out to bring her here you should know how that worked" Starscream and Elita looks at Knockout trying to give him the hint but he just looks confused 

"Here's the deal you can take her but.." 

"But what?" 

Elita was cut off by the firing of a weapon and the dead silence in the air. Everyone turns to face the outside world and heard footsteps. 

"Well, if it isn't the scout" Starscream gritted his teeth. 

Knockout spike of anger urged him when he saw who is walking in the same room 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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