part one

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tomorrow was loren's 14th birthday, she was so excited for it too.

she danced along her room, listening to her playlist.

even with her mom dying 10 years ago, she still found light in the darkest days, even though it was hard.

she lived with her dad now, it was fun, but not the best at times.

her dad was always busy with work, and never seemed to have the time anymore.

oh how she wished it was back how it was long ago, where her dad and mom would take her out for dinner, and go bowling, or out to an arcade.

now all they do is stay at home while her dad works.

it doesn't bother loren, she's used to it.

just as she's done with her last song on her playlist her dad calls her down for dinner

"hey dad! are you gonna eat in here today?"

"no, sorry sweetheart. i'm busy with work still."

"are you going to be working tomorrow on my birthday too?"

"i don't know yet, honey. i'll update you when i know, okay?"


she grabs her plate as her dad hurries upstairs, loren wishes her dad would spend more time with her, even if it were just for 10 minutes.

she misses her dad, it's hard to deal with the stress from her mom dying, and even harder when her dad doesn't even show the slightest bit of affection!

she sighs and fills her plate with food.

"great, mashed potatoes and mac and cheese."

"for the fourth time..."

she doesn't complain to eat it, as it's food, and she could have worse.

she hurries up and eats and goes back upstairs to go to bed.

-279 words

well, here's a lil bit of the story, i honestly might forget about this and stuff, but i hope i don't!


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