part five <3

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loren's pov:
i wake up and have a feeling of deja vu, like i've done this before..

"hey boss she's finally up"

"no shit barrón"

everyone in the room laughs

"golly, everyone's always on my ass."

"the only object on your ass barrón, is shit."

everyone in the room starts laughing again, even i find myself snickering.

"anyways, sup loren."

"where am i, and how do you guys know my name?"

"oh, looks like her dad hasn't told her yet."

"told me what?"

"we're your family, you should somehow remember us.."

"hmm, i do remember the name barrón..."

it's almost if a bell dings in my head.

"uncle barrón! uncle mark! and... sorry those are the only two i remember.."

"it's alright kid, they'll be alright."

"wait did you get dad?"

"yea we got him, he's in the living room."

"which is where?"

"oh sorry kid i forgot your new here, 2 doors on the right"

"your fine uncle mark, thanks anyways!"

"of course kid."

i walk down the hall, trying to find dad.

i come across a hallway leading to a room with a couch, a tv, and a fireplace.

sitting at the fireplace is dad.

of course.

"hey dad."

"hey sweetheart. how was coming down here?"

"oh, you know, just getting blacked out twice, the normal."

i give him a stern look, and he looks at me with sorrow in his eyes.

"look, babygirl, i'm so sorry i never told you about this place, it's just i didn't think you were ready for all of this."

"well, id rather you have told me about it then keep my family from me!"

"honey, i understand your mad at me, but please understand, i've been trying to protect you."

"i understand... now explain."

-293 words.

this was a long one, i hope you liked me not leaving you on a cliffhanger, you can thank :) —>StarFeather7


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