Chapter 7: Be our Guest!

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Shelby peaked open the door, the coast was clear. She slowly slipped out of her room, quietly closing the door behind her. She began walking down the hallway, Scaramouche was laying on Talia as a form of affection. Scara leaves a small kiss on the top of her head making her giggle, but the moment she sees Shelby, she stood up in a panic "Shoot! I got distracted from my guarding duty" she shouts.

Thoma guided Sayu "Come on, off to sleep you go Sayu" he said. Sayu hopped into the cupboard and happily went to sleep. Thoma closed the cupboard and released a sigh, "Rough night?" Quiana joked, Thoma couldn't help but chuckled at the joke "You were there too, Qui" he noted.

Quiana softly smiled "Man, I wasn't expecting her to be that stubborn. Hmmm, something is telling me that she'll be a denier" Quiana complained "And besides, if Itto doesn't learn to control that anger the sssssss-" he stops mid sentence as he saw something behind Quiana. Or someone "soap might never be properly cleaned" he finished.

Quiana gave a 'WTF' expression, Thoma motioned for her to look behind. Quiana turned around and jumped to find "Ah, why Shelby. Uh *ahem* what brings you here young maiden?" Quiana asked with a little bow, Shelby kneeled down in front of Quiana "Well, I don't believe I was properly introduced to you, I've already met Thoma. Sooo..." Shelby explained.

Quiana slightly lit up "You make a fair point. Well, I am Quiana and.." Talia ran in and immediately began shaking her hand happily "This is Talia" Quiana announced. Talia had her usual bright smile "Nice to meet you! Shelby was it?" She asked, Shelby nodded for confirmation.

Quiana leaned towards Talia and whispered "Why didn't you warn me the moment she left her room" Talia gave a quiet chuckle and whispered back "I don't know, she just slipped out without me noticing" both of them went back to smiling at Shelby.

"So, is there anything we can do for you as of now?" Quiana asked, Shelby slightly smiled "Well, I did start getting a little bit hungry" her words caused Thoma to light up "Are you now? Come on every-Thing, start up a meal for her" he announced, Quiana tensed up.

"Wait what?! But what about what Itto said!" Quiana quickly noted, Thoma slightly scoffed "Don't worry, he won't notice. Besides we can't let her go hungry" Thoma explained with a smile. Talia then nodded in agreement "Beside, We should make feel welcomed" Quiana sighed in defeat. "Fine, but we should keep it down. It'll be our heads if he finds out" Talia rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. But with me around, you can't have dinner without........a song" Quiana looked at her confused "What are you-" then realization stuck. Quiana slowly shook her head while Talia slowly nodded. "Talia no!" Quiana demanded, "I'm gonna do it!" Talia yells.

She immediately sprinted over and got to the center of the table to where Shelby was now sitting at. "Lovely maiden, it is my deepest pleasure, to give you best entertainment tonight. Now, sit back and relax, while I present to you..................your dinner!" Talia announced.

Be our guest
Be our guest
Put our service to the test
Tie your napkin round your neck, cherie
And we provide the rest

Soupe du jour
Hot hors d'oeuvres
Why, we only live to serve
Try the grey stuff, it's delicious
Don't believe me, ask the dishes

They can sing
They can dance
After all, miss, this is France
And a dinner here is never second best

Go on, unfold your menu
Take a glance and then
You'll be our guest
Oui, our guest
Be our guest

Beef ragout
Cheese soufflé
Pie and pudding en flambé

We'll prepare and serve with flair
A culinary cabaret

You're alone
And you're scared
But the banquet's all prepared
No one's gloomy or complaining
While the flatware's entertaining

We tell jokes
I do tricks
With my fellow candlesticks

But it's all in perfect taste, that you can bet

Come on and lift your glass
You've won your own free pass
To be our guest

If you're stressed
It's fine dining we suggest

Be our guest
Be our guest
Be our guest

Life is so unnerving
For a servant who's not serving
He's not whole without a soul to wait upon
Ah, those good old days when we were useful
Suddenly, those good old days are gone

Ten years we've been rusting
Needing so much more than dusting
Needing exercise, a chance to use our skills
Most days we just lay around the castle
Flabby, fat and lazy
You walked in and oops-a-daisy!

It's a guest!
It's a guest!
Sakes alive, well, I'll be blessed
Wine's been poured, and thank the lord
I've had the napkins freshly pressed

With dessert
She'll want tea
And, my dear, that's fine with me
While the cups do their soft-shoeing
I'll be bubbling, I'll be brewing

I'll get warm
Piping hot
Heaven's sake, is that a spot?
Clean it up, we want the company impressed

We've got a lot to do
Is it one lump or two?
For you, our guest

She's our guest

She's our guest

She's our guest

Be our guest
Be our guest
Put our service to the test
It's ten years since we've had anybody here
And we're obsessed

With your meal
With your ease
Yes, indeed, we aim to please
While the candlelight's still glowing
Let us help you, we'll keep going

Course by course
One by one
Till you shout, "Enough, I'm done!"
Then we'll sing you off to sleep as you digest

Tonight you'll prop your feet up
But for now, let's eat up
Be our guest
Be our guest
Be our guest
Please be our guest!

Shelby giggles and happily applauds with a big smile "That was amazing! I loved it" Shelby cheered, Talia took a bow "Thank you, Thank you. It's my specialty!" Quiana chuckled and patted her back "Yes, but it is getting pretty late. So, you should probably get to sleep now" Quiana informed.

"There's no way I can sleep now" she thinks for a moment "Maybe you could show me around here" she suggested. Talia lights up at the idea, but Quiana seemed unsure "Uh, I don't know. There are certain restricted areas in this castle that no one is allowed to be in" Quiana explained with a hint of nervousness.

Shelby looked at her curiously "Well, maybe you can show me the none restricted areas. Is that okay?" Shelby asked. Quiana gave a sigh of defeat "I guess it is. Let me show you around" Quiana said as she began to lead the way with Shelby following.

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