𝟬𝟱. far from normal

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CHAPTER FIVE⤷ far from normal

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far from normal

THE past week had been hectic, to say the least. Jackie juggled between Nathan's awful party, Nick taking the blame for Peyton's damaged car, her first week working at the Cafe,  encouraging Lucas to play in the father-son basketball, dealing with surfacing feelings for the blond boy, trying her absolute hardest to accept her mother's new relationship, and trying to develop new recipes for Karen, all in the span of just seven days. 

"Peyton and Nathan broke up," Nick shoved his hands in his front pockets, "Nathan's pretty pissed at me, he thinks I have something to do with it."

"Good for her," Jackie continued to walk, "Don't worry about Nathan, he'll get over it eventually.  What are you gonna do about Peyton? Are you going to try with her?"

"I figured I'd give her some space for right now," Nick squinted from the sun, "You're still coming to the game right? You are? Great, that's what I like to hear!" He clapped and jogged off, making sure she had no time to say 'No'.

Jackie chuckled and continued her walk outside of the school. She looked eyes with Lucas not too far away as she held a conversation with Haley. Jackie jogged over to catch them, "Hey, Haley," She greeted,  "Lucas."

"Hey,  Jackie," Haley acknowledged her, she then dismissed herself to allow the two to talk alone.

"So, I got you something," Jackie rummaged through her bag to get three items before handing them over,  "I wanted to thank you again for helping me out and to applaud you for being able to put up with Nathan's shit." She laughed,  "So, I have a book recommendation for you this time, a copy of my favorite CD, and some salted caramel cookies that are coming to you soon at the one and only Karen's care, made by yours truly," She ended with a short bow.

His eyes wandered over the items in appreciation, "Then Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway, Slippery When Wet by Bon Jovi, and a treat," Lucas listed the items with a smirk, "Does this mean we're dating?"

Jackie's heart fluttered as her words got stuck but she quickly recovered and brushed his joke off,  "It means that you have a long bus ride and I thought you should be occupied, you're welcome." Jackie turned to walk away, hoping that he didn't see the smirk threatening to form on her face but she let it free once her back was fully turned to him.

FOR the game, Haley and Jackie accompanied each other on the bus. Once they made it, the gym was a packed house but the two managed to find spots together on the bleachers, right next to Mouth and his microphone. Jackie hadn't been to a game in a while due to her busy schedule, she kinda missed the atmosphere and the energy the students bring into the packed space.

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